Nathan Goulding-Hotta
Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
Office: CSE 3262
What's New
Spring 2014: I'm currently on the job market. Contact me if you're looking for a hardware hacker!
I'm in my final year as a PhD candidate in the Computer Architecture Group at UCSD. I'm currently researching massively heterogeneous processors as a solution to continued performance scaling in the face of the utilization wall: We can no longer use all of the transistors on a chip at once because of power constraints. As a result, most of the transistors must remain off at any given time, in what is called dark silicon. Putting this dark silicon to good use is a challenging research problem. It's an especially interesting time to be an architect!
My group and I are developing GreenDroid, a prototype mobile application processor for Android smartphones. GreenDroid leverages dark silicon by converting it into energy-saving coprocessors called conservation cores. As part of this work I'm building a 28-nm chip. See the project website for more details.
Select Publications
(Click here for a complete list)
- Exploring Energy Scalability in Coprocessor-Dominated Architectures for Dark Silicon
Qiaoshi Zheng, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Scott Ricketts, Steven Swanson, Michael Bedford Taylor, and Jack Sampson
TECS 2014: ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (to appear)
- SiChrome: Mobile Web Browsing in Hardware to Save Energy
Vikram Bhatt, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Qiaoshi Zheng, Jack Sampson, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor
DaSi 2012: First Dark Silicon Workshop, June 2012
- GreenDroid: An Architecture for the Dark Silicon Age (Invited Paper)
Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Jack Sampson, Qiaoshi Zheng, Vikram Bhatt, Joe Auricchio, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor
ASP-DAC 2012: 17th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, Feb. 2012
- QsCores: Trading Dark Silicon for Scalable Energy Efficiency with Quasi-Specific Cores
Ganesh Venkatesh, Jack Sampson, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Sravanthi Kota Venkata, Michael Bedford Taylor, and Steven Swanson
MICRO 2011: 44th International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Dec. 2011
- An Evaluation of Selective Depipelining for FPGA-based Energy-Reducing Irregular Code Coprocessors
Jack Sampson, Manish Arora, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Ganesh Venkatesh, Jonathan Babb, Vikram Bhatt, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor
FPL: 2011 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, Sep. 2011
- Reducing the Energy Cost of Irregular Code Bases in Soft Processor Systems
Manish Arora, Jack Sampson, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Jonathan Babb, Ganesh Venkatesh, Michael Bedford Taylor, and Steven Swanson
FCCM 2011: 19th Annual International IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, May 2011
- The GreenDroid Mobile Application Processor: An Architecture for Silicon's Dark Future
Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Jack Sampson, Ganesh Venkatesh, Saturnino Garcia, Joe Auricchio, Po-Chao Huang, Manish Arora, Siddhartha Nath, Vikram Bhatt, Jonathan Babb, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor
IEEE Micro, Mar./Apr. 2011
- Efficient Complex Operators for Irregular Codes
Jack Sampson, Ganesh Venkatesh, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Saturnino Garcia, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor
HPCA 2011: Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Feb. 2011
- GreenDroid: A Mobile Application Processor for a Future of Dark Silicon
Nathan Goulding, Jack Sampson, Ganesh Venkatesh, Saturnino Garcia, Joe Auricchio, Jonathan Babb, Michael Bedford Taylor, and Steven Swanson
Hot Chips 22, Aug. 2010
- Conservation Cores: Reducing the Energy of Mature Computations
Ganesh Venkatesh, Jack Sampson, Nathan Goulding, Saturnino Garcia, Vladyslav Bryksin, Jose Lugo-Martinez, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor
ASPLOS 2010: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Mar. 2010
My advisors are Steven Swanson and Michael Taylor. With their combined forces our group is unstoppable.
I'm a big fan of the Vim text editor. Here is my configuration file with many helpful shortcuts.
I also wrote this summary of GNU Screen commands to help new users.
About Me
I grew up in New Mexico and I love the southwest. I went to New Mexico Tech as an undergraduate, where I made a name for myself as a kilted mountaineer, among other things. Now I bum around on the beaches of southern California, when I'm not stuck in the lab.
Last updated 2014-04-19