Michael Van Biesbrouck
I recently completed my PhD sat UCSD in the
Department of Computer Science and
Engineering. My research with Brad Calder
focused on SMT computing and sampled simulation methodology for
architectural studies.
As of mid-October 2007 I will be working for Google.
Conference Papers
Michael Van Biesbrouck, Lieven Eeckhout, and Brad Calder,
Representative Multiprogram Workloads for Multithreaded Processor Simulation,
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), September 2007.
Wei Chuang, Satish Narayanasamy, Ganesh Venkatesh, Jack Sampson, Michael Van Biesbrouck, Gilles Pokam, Osvaldo Colavin, and Brad Calder,
Unbounded Page-Based Transactional Memory
International Conference on
Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), October 2006
Michael Van Biesbrouck, Lieven Eeckhout, and Brad Calder,
Considering All Starting Points for a Simultaneous Multithreading Simulation Methodology,
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), March 2006. (pdf)
Michael Van Biesbrouck, Lieven Eeckhout, and Brad Calder,
Efficient Sampling Startup for Sampled Processor Simulation ,
2005 International Conference on High Performance Embedded
Architectures & Compilers (HiPEAC), November 2005.
Michael Van Biesbrouck, Timothy Sherwood, and Brad Calder,
A Co-Phase Matrix to Guide Simultaneous Multithreading Simulation
2004 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), March 2004
Gordon V. Cormack, Chris R. Palmer, and Michael Van Biesbrouck, Deriving Very Short Boolean Queries for High Precision and Recall (MultiText Experiments for TREC-7), Proceedings of the Seventh Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-7), Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 1998.
(gzipped ps)
Other Articles
- Michael Van Biesbrouck, Lieven Eeckhout, and Brad Calder, Efficient Sampling Startup for SimPoint, IEEE Micro Magazine (pdf) . (refereed magazine article)
Erez Perelman, Greg Hamerly, Michael Van Biesbrouck, Timothy Sherwood, and Brad Calder,
Using SimPoint for Accurate and Efficient Simulation
ACM SIGMETRICS the International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems,
June 2003.
(refereed poster)
Michael Van Biesbrouck, Sampled Simulation for Multithreaded Processors (pdf), University of California San Diego, 2007.
Michael Van Biesbrouck, Compiling GCL Query Evaluators, University of Waterloo, 1999.
Michael Van Biesbrouck
Computer Science and Engineering
EBU3B 3252
9500 Gilman Drive #0404
La Jolla, California 92093-0404
FAX: 858 534-7029