Globally Optimal Algorithms for Stratified Autocalibration
This page contains code/data/results for a stratified autocalibration
method that, starting from a projective reconstruction
- Step 1 (affine upgrade): performs an affine reconstruction by
estimating the plane at infinity
- Step 2 (metric upgrade): performs a metric reconstruction
by estimating the internal parameters of the camera.
The main features of the algorithm are:
- Globally optimal solution to the modulus constraints for
estimating the plane at infinity.
- Globally optimal solution to the infinite homography relation for
estimating the dual image of absolute conic.
- Incorporates a theoretically correct initial region for plane at
infinity search using chirality constraints.
- Enforces non-linear constraints such as positive
semidefiniteness of the dual image of absolute conic.
An early version can be found [here]. Newer version coming soon!
M.K. Chandraker, S. Agarwal, D.J. Kriegman and Serge Belongie
Globally Optimal Affine and Metric Upgrades in Stratified Autocalibration [PDF]
ICCV 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Last updated October 29, 2007.