Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
marora at eng.Univ of California San Diego's
I am the co-founder of LearnDesk. LearnDesk is a leading provider of teaching software and currently enables 20,000+ business, teachers, professors, coaches, and training companies globally to run their training workflows. I completed my PhD at UCSD working with Dean Tullsen in 2018. I have a BTech (2000) in ECE from IIT Kharagpur and a MS (2010) in CE from UT Austin. From 2002-2008, I was a researcher at Digital Media R&D Center, Samsung Electronics Korea. I was a researcher at AMD Research from 2012-2020.
Research Interests
I have broad interests in computer architecture and engineering. I have experience with consumer product development and have taken concepts from back of the envelope design to mass production. I am an inventor of over 50 granted and pending patents. Specifically, my research career has been focussed around research on four topics (key publications):
(1) Design of accelerator integrated systems including understanding the impact of accelerators on CPU architecture/management policies (ISCA 2015, HPCA 2015, ISCA 2013, SC 2013, IEEE Micro 2012, IEEE Micro 2011).
(2) Innovative use of new materials in computing systems including warehouse scale computing systems (ISCA 2015, ICCD 2014).
(3) Efficiency issues in embedded platforms and throughput processing algorithms (FCCM 2011, FPL 2011, AES 2007, ICASSP 2002).
(4) Simulation methodology (MODSIM 2013, Sigmetrics 2012, SAMOS 2012).
Recent Publications
Heterogeneity and Density Aware Design of Computing Systems.Ph.D. Dissertation Manish Arora, University of California San Diego, 2018. (PDF)
Harmonia: Balancing Compute and Memory Power in High Performance GPUs. Indrani Paul, Wei N. Huang, Manish Arora and Sudhakar Yalamanchili, To appear in ISCA 2015.
Thermal Time Shifting: Leveraging Phase Change Materials to Reduce Cooling Costs in Warehouse-Scale Computers. Matt Skach, Manish Arora, Chang-Hong Hsu, Qi Li, Dean M. Tullsen, Jason Mars and Lingjia Tang, To appear in ISCA 2015.
Understanding Idle Behavior and Power Gating Mechanisms in the Context of Modern Benchmarks on CPU-GPU Integrated Systems. (PDF) (Talk)
Manish Arora, Srilatha Manne, Indrani Paul, Nuwan Jayasena and Dean M. Tullsen, HPCA 2015.
Modeling and analysis of Phase Change Materials for efficient thermal management. (PDF)
Fulya Kaplan, Charlie De Vivero, Samuel Howes, Manish Arora, Houman Homayoun, Wayne Burleson, Dean M. Tullsen and Ayse Kivilcim Coskun, ICCD 2014.
Coordinated energy management in heterogeneous processors. (PDF)
Indrani Paul, Vignesh T. Ravi, Srilatha Manne, Manish Arora, Sudhakar Yalamanchili Scientific Programming 2014.
A comparison of core power gating strategies implemented in modern hardware. (PDF)
Manish Arora, Srilatha Manne, Yasuko Eckert, Indrani Paul, Nuwan Jayasena and Dean M. Tullsen, Sigmetrics 2014.
Resistive Computation: A Critique. (PDF)
Hamid Mahmoodi, Sridevi Lakshmipuram, Manish Arora, Yashar Asgarieh, Houman Homayoun, Bill Lin and Dean M. Tullsen, Computer Architecture Letters 2014.
Coordinated Energy Management in Heterogeneous Processors. (PDF) (Talk) (Best Paper Nominee)
Indrani Paul, Vignesh Ravi, Srilatha Manne, Manish Arora and Sudhakar Yalamanchili, SC 2013.
Cooperative Boosting: Needy Versus Greedy Power Management. (PDF) (Talk)
Indrani Paul, Srilatha Manne, Manish Arora, W. Lloyd Bircher and Sudhakar Yalamanchili, ISCA 2013.
A Comprehensive Timing, Power, Thermal, and Reliability Model for Exascale Node Architectures. (PDF)
Brad Beckmann, Yasuko Eckert, Manish Arora, Sudhanva Gurumurthi, Steve Reinhardt and Vilas Sridharan, DOE MODSIM 2013.
Redefining the Role of the CPU in the Era of CPU-GPU Integration. (PDF) (Talk) (Featured on the Cover) (Editor's Comments)
Manish Arora, Siddhartha Nath, Subhra Mazumdar, Scott Baden and Dean Tullsen, IEEE Micro 2012.
Efficient System Design using the Statistical Analysis of Architectural Bottlenecks (SAAB) Methodology. (PDF)
Manish Arora, Feng Wang, Bob Rychlik and Dean Tullsen, SAMOS 2012.
Fast Cost Efficient Designs by building upon the Plackett and Burman Method. (PDF)
Manish Arora, Feng Wang, Bob Rychlik and Dean Tullsen, Sigmetrics/Performance 2012.
The GreenDroid Mobile Application Processor: An Architecture for Silicon's Dark Future. (PDF)
Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Jack Sampson, Ganesh Venkatesh, Saturnino Garcia, Joe Auricchio, Po-Chao Huang, Manish Arora, Siddhartha Nath, Vikram Bhatt, Jonathan Babb, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor, IEEE Micro 2011.
An Evaluation of Selective Depipelining for FPGA-Based Energy-Reducing Irregular Code Coprocessors. (PDF)
Jack Sampson, Manish Arora, Nathan Goulding, Ganesh Venkatesh, Jonathan Babb, Vikram Bhatt, Steven Swanson, Michael Taylor, FPL 2011.
Reducing the Energy Cost of Irregular Code Bases in Soft Processor Systems. (PDF)
Manish Arora, Jack Sampson, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Jonathan Babb, Ganesh Venkatesh, Michael Bedford Taylor, and Steven Swanson, FCCM 2011.
Conservation Cores: Energy-Saving Coprocessors for Nasty Real World Code. (Talk)
Jack Sampson, Ganesh Venkatesh, Nathan Goulding, Saturnino Garcia, Manish Arora, Siddhartha Nath, Vikram Bhatt, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor, Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems (LCTES), Research Highlights, Invited Talk, 2011.
Enhanced Bass Reinforcement Algorithm for Small-Sized Transducers. (PDF)
Han-gil Moon, Manish Arora, Chung Chiho, and Seongcheol Jang, AES Convention 2007.
Low Complexity Virtual Bass Enhancement Algorithm for Portable Multimedia Device. (PDF)
Manish Arora, Han-gil Moon, and Seongcheol Jang, Audio Engineering Society, International Conference on Audio for Mobile and Handheld Devices, 2006.
High Quality Blind Bandwidth Extension of Audio for Portable Player Applications. (PDF)
Manish Arora, Joonhyun Lee, and Sangil Park, AES Convention 2006.
Virtual Source Location Information Based Matrix Decoding System. (PDF)
Han-gil Moon and Manish Arora, AES Convention 2006.
Improving Low Frequency Signal Reproduction in TV Audio. (PDF)
Manish Arora, Yoonhark Oh, SeoungHun Kim, Hyuckjae Lee and Seongcheol Jang, Convention of the Korean Acoustical Society, 2004.
FIR Room Response Correction System. (PDF)
Manish Arora, Sung Ho-Young, Hyuckjae Lee and Joon-Hyon Lee, Convention of the Korean Acoustical Society, 2004.
Design and Implementation of a Real Time High Quality DV Digital Video Software Encoder. (PDF)
Manish Arora Shashi Kant, and Korada Ramkishor, EURASIP Conference on Video, Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, 2003.
RISC Processor based GSM-AMR Speech Codec Implementation for Emerging Mobile Multimedia Messaging Solutions. (PDF)
Manish Arora, P. V. Suresh Babu, and Vinay M. K., International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, DSP 2002.
All Assembly Implementation of G.729 Annex B Speech Codec On a Fixed Point DSP. (PDF)
Manish Arora, Nitin Lahane, and Amit Prakash, International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2002.
Assembly Code Optimization Techniques For Real Time DSP. (PDF)
Manish Arora, Nitin Lahane and Pradeep Srinivasan, National Conference in Communications, NCC 2002.
Research Surveys
The Architecture and Evolution of CPU-GPU Systems for General Purpose Computing (PDF) (Talk)
Manish Arora, Research survey, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UC San Diego, 2012.
Exploration of Power, Temperature, Performance, and Area for Multicore Architectures (Talk)
Design Automation Conference, DAC 2012.
Special Session Oraganizer: A Uniform Approach to Heterogeneity? Architectures, Tools, and Workloads for Heterogeneous Computing (Session Details)
Design Automation Conference, DAC 2014.
Program Committee Member: Boston Area Architecture Workshop 2015 (BARC 2015)