[Winter 2020] CSE 240B Parallel Data Architecture (UCSD, Graduate)
Office hours: 3:30pm - 4:30pm, Tuesday.
[Fall 2019] CSE 141 Introduction to Computer Architecture (UCSD, Undergraduate)
Office hours: 1:30pm - 2:30pm, Wednesday and Friday.
[Spring 2019] CSE 240A Principles in Computer Architecture (UCSD, Graduate)
Office hours: 10:00am - 11:00am, Friday.
[Winter 2019] CSE 291 Emerging Computer Architectures (UCSD, Graduate)
Office hours: 10:00am - 11:00am, Monday.
[Winter 2018] CSE 141 Introduction to Computer Architecture (UCSD, Undergraduate)
Office hours: 2:00pm - 3:00pm, Tuesday and Thursday.
[Fall 2017] CMPE 110 Computer Architecture (UCSC, Undergraduate)
Office hours: 2:50pm - 3:50pm, Wednesday and Friday.
[Spring 2017] CMPE 202 Computer Architecture (UCSC, Graduate)
Office hours: noon - 1:00pm, Thursday.
[Winter 2017] CMPE 122/222 Intro/Advanced VLSI Digital System Design (UCSC, Undergraduate/Graduate)
Office hours: 3:00pm - 4:00pm, Monday.
[Fall 2016] CMPE 110 Computer Architecture (UCSC, Undergraduate)
Office hours: 2:50pm - 3:50pm, Monday and Wednesday.
[Spring 2016] CMPE 290N Topics in Computer Performance (UCSC, Graduate)
Office hours: 12:30pm - 1:30pm, Thursday.
[Winter 2016] CMPE 110 Computer Architecture (UCSC, Undergraduate)
Office hours: 11am - noon, Wednesday and Friday.
[Fall 2015] CMPE 110 Computer Architecture (UCSC, Undergraduate)
Office hours: 9:30am - 10:30am, Monday and Friday.
[Spring 2015] CMPE 202 Computer Architecture (UCSC, Graduate)
This class provides a thorough
and fundamental treatment of the art of computer
architecture. Topics include concepts of von
Neumann architectures, methods of evaluating CPU
performance and power, instruction-set design
and examples, instruction pipelining, cache and
memory hierarchies, virtual memory, I/O systems,
multicore processors, and introduction to SIMD
and GPUs.