I'm a sixth year graduate student working towards a Ph.D. in computer
science at UCSD. I work in the
architecture lab for
Brad Calder. I'm
currently working on
performance auditing for dynamic optimizations and program phase
analysis. I did my undergrad at Berkeley. At Berkeley I did
some research for the Ninja group under the guidance of Mike Chen.
Recent Publications
A Loop Correlation Technique to Improve Performance Auditing
Jeremy Lau, Matthew Arnold, Michael Hind, Brad Calder
Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT)
September 2007, Brasov, Romania
Cross Binary Simulation Points
Erez Perelman, Jeremy Lau, Harish Patil, Aamer Jaleel, Greg Hamerly,
Brad Calder
International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and
Software (ISPASS)
April 2007, San Jose, CA, USA
Online Performance Auditing: Using Hot Optimizations Without Getting
Jeremy Lau, Matthew Arnold, Michael Hind, Brad Calder
Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)
June 2006, Ottawa, Canada
Using Machine Learning to Guide Architecture Simulation
Greg Hamerly, Erez Perelman, Jeremy Lau, Timothy Sherwood, Brad Calder
Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
Volume 7, Pages 343-378, 2006
Selecting Software Phase Markers with Code Structure Analysis
Jeremy Lau, Erez Perelman, Brad Calder
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)
March 2006, New York, NY, USA
All Publications
Programming Contests
Southern California Regional 2002
ACM World
Finals 2002
Southern California Regional 2001