Heasoo Hwang

Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0404

EBU3B rm3240
I am a member of UCSD Database Group and my acdemic advisor is Yannis Papakonstantinou. I'm particularly interested in search algorithms that enable database/Web users to retrieve high-quality personalized search results in a resonable amount of time. My thesis title is "Efficient and Versatile Keyword Search over Large-Scale Graph-Structured Data".

  • Organizing User Search Histories
    Heasoo Hwang, Hady Lauw, Lise Getoor, Alex Ntoulas; (Under submission)
  • BinRank: Scaling Dynamic Authority-Based Search Using Materialized SubGraphs (extended version)
    Heasoo Hwang, Andrey Balmin, Berthold Reinwald, Erik Nijkamp; To appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (Speical Issue on the Best Papers of ICDE 2009)
  • BinRank: Scaling Dynamic Authority-Based Search Using Materialized SubGraphs
    Heasoo Hwang, Andrey Balmin, Berthold Reinwald, Erik Nijkamp; ICDE Conference 2009
  • DBPubs: Multidimensional Exploration of Database Publications
    Akanksha Baid, Andrey Balmin, Heasoo Hwang, Erik Nijkamp, Jun Rao, Berthold Reinwald, Alkis Simitsis, Yannis Sismanis, Frank van Ham; VLDB Conference 2008 (Demo paper)
  • Authority-based keyword search in databases
    Vagelis Hristidis, Heasoo Hwang, Yannis Papakonstantinou; ACM Transactions on Database Systems 2008: 33(1)
  • Information discovery in loosely integrated data
    Heasoo Hwang, Andrey Balmin, Hamid Pirahesh, Berthold Reinwald; SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1147-1149
  • ObjectRank: a system for authority-based search on databases
    Heasoo Hwang, Vagelis Hristidis, Yannis Papakonstantinou; SIGMOD Conference 2006: 796-798
  • 1/2003-8/2003 Corelogix Research Center, Korea
    • Software Engineer
    • Topic: Product Ontology (E-commerce catalog) Management System
  • 3/2000-2/2002 Intelligent Database System Lab, Seoul National University, Korea
    • Research Assistant
    • Topic: Rule-based CRM System, Medical Information System
  • Tips for Writing Technical Papers by Jennifer Widom
  •    Last modified on 10Apr2009 by Heasoo Hwang