Grant Ho

Grant Photo

I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago in the Computer Science Department.
My research studies computer security, with a particular interest in problems at the intersection of data and security. My current work focuses on improving the security of organizations and enterprises by (1) building new systems to thwart attacks, (2) analyzing the real-world efficacy and the costs of deploying security measures, and (3) exploring how we can develop and apply machine learning for security purposes.

Previously, I was a CSE Postdoctoral Fellow at UC San Diego, where I worked with Geoff Voelker and Stefan Savage, and a Visiting Researcher at Corelight Labs. I received my Ph.D. in computer science from UC Berkeley, where I was advised by Vern Paxson and David Wagner, and supported in part by a Facebook Ph.D. Fellowship and an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Before graduate school, I received my Bachelors in computer science from Stanford University.



Teaching Experience

Industry Experience

Throughout my research, I've collaborated with many companies and organizations to tackle a wide-range of security problems, including UC San Diego's IT and Security teams, Barracuda Networks, Dropbox, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Facebook, and Google.
If you work in industry and have an important security problem that you're stumped on how to solve, feel free to email me!


I am on the Program Committee for IEEE Security and Privacy (Oakland) 2024. Previously I served on the PC for Usenix Security 2023, IEEE Security and Privacy (Oakland) 2022, and as an external reviewer for Usenix Security 2020, CCS 2019, Usenix Security 2019, NDSS 2016, and ACM TWEB 2016.
At Berkeley, I started an external security speaker series, the Berkeley Security Seminar, and organized it from Spring 2015 - Fall 2018.


Several years ago, I used to be an active chess player. My USCF rating is 2111 and I am a two-time US National co-champion (tied for first) in the 8th grade and 9th grade divisions. I've also won first place at the Florida State Chess Championship a few times; the high school division in 2008 (as a 10th grader) and the middle school division in 2005. Currently, I spend a lot of my time as a researcher, but I enjoy occasionally playing blitz and watching the games of some of my favorite players (Carlsen and Topalov) at the latest tournaments. My favorite book is "Play like a Grandmaster" by Kotov and one of my favorite games is Kramnik vs. Topalov at Corus 2005.