Explanations for Confused Little Orderings
Often the items in a list have some natural ordering, for example, by size, age or complexity. In such cases, the order in which the items are listed should be the same as their natural ordering. (Sometimes there is more than one natural ordering, in which case the list ordering should reflect the most important natural ordering, for whatever the main purpose at hand may be.) Here's what's wrong with each example: In terms of semiotics, each little creature here is a complex sign that is the image under some semiotic morphism into a sign system where the main constructor is a list constructor, and where there is an important ordering in the source sign system that should be mapped to the natural ordering of elements associated with the list constructor. Of course, as dates and times illustrate, things are not always so simple, because there may be multiple orderings on both the source and target sign system. Moreover, the goal and/or cultural background of the author and/or intended audience may play a role in determining which ordering is appropriate, and this could be difficult to determine; the is part of the "inverse problem" of inferring the source space from a sign that (we assume) represents it.

It is very interesting to explore the representations of dates and times in more detail. For example, there is an explanation for the conventional ordering of times, with hours first and seconds last: usually we are more interested in the hour than in the second. Notice that this assumes that we are reading from left to right, which in fact is a culture dependent aspect of reading; one imagines that cultures that read right to left may impose rather different conventions.

12 February 1998, somewhat modified 23 January 2000.