Alloy Integration Algorithm
Alloy is a computer program designed and written by Fox Harrell in joint work with Joseph Goguen. Its purpose is to generate new conceptual structures by integrating other structures, and its design is based on recent research in cognitive linguistics, computer science, and semiotics; in particular, it uses the algebraic semiotics formalization of the cognitive linguistics theory of conceptual space integration, also called "blending" (see Foundations for Active Multimedia Narrative: Semiotic spaces and structural blending for details). This formalization uses the semiotic spaces of algebraic semiotics rather than the mental spaces that Fauconnier developed for cognitive linguistics, because we need the greater generality of n-ary relations, structure construcing functions, types, and axioms, for integrating structures at the syntactic and discourse levels, as well as generating novel metaphors as side effects of integrating at the conceptual level; we also need the greater rigor in order to design the algorithm. Semiotic spaces are basically what computer scientists call "ontologies," that is, theories expressed in a logic, in this case, mainly equational logic, but enriched with partial ordering relations on constructors and types, to express (limited aspects) of value systems.

Alloy is the heart of Griot, another computer program designed and written by Fox Harrell in joint work with Joseph Goguen. The purpose of Griot is to generate interactive multimedia events, and it has been used in initial experiments to produce "polypoems," a new art form consisting of very large families of poems having a common theme and qualitative feeling, but varying content and structure; typical elements from two polypoems can be found on the Griot System Homepage. The first uses Labov's structural theory of narrative (see Notes on Narrative) at the discourse level, but there are many other possibilities, e.g., haibun, which is most famously used in Basho's great Oku no Hosomichi, as well as in our November Qualia performance for the CalIT2 opening celebration.

To the Griot System homepage
Some theoretical background, including references, is on the Computational Narratology page
To the CalIT2 performance page
To my systems homepage
Maintained by Joseph Goguen