Final Exam, 11 June 2002

It is highly preferably to use a blue book for your answers, but you may also write answers on this sheet, and some extra paper will be available. Be sure to write your name on every page you hand in!
  1. [20 pts] After each phrase write the letter of the phrase that most closely matches its meaning.

    phrase answer phrase
    1. actant   a. phrasing that decreases social force
    2. tacit knowledge   b. the act of speaking
    3. iterative design   c. deleting information with low group rating
    4. narrative presupposition   d. related by law to its object
    5. technological determinism     e. phrasing with audience in mind
    6. mitigation   f. society is an autonomous force on technology  
    7. recipient design   g. something that acts
    8. indexical sign   h. utterance that accomplishes something
    9. speech act   i. technology is an autonomous force on society
    10. collaborative filtering   j. order of events is order of clauses
        k. designing in cycles
        l. its structure corresponds to that of its object
        m. knowledge of touching
        n. can do it but cannot say how
        o. designing for interface users

  2. [15pts] Analyze the design structure of this exam following the semiotic methodology in section 7 of the class notes. Be sure to note what is important and how it is represented.
  3. [10pts] State the principles of virtuality and transparency, and then briefly compare them.
  4. [10pts] The following acronyms have been used in this course: MUD, F/C, WYSIWYG, OAI, VRML, GUI, ANT, and CSCW. Briefly say what five of them stand for.
  5. [10pts] Define adjacency pair and noticeable absence, and give an example of each that is relevant to HCI.
  6. [15pts] Define direct manipulation, give an example relevant to HCI, and relate it to semiotic morphisms.
  7. [10pts] Define blending and give an example relevant to HCI.
  8. [10pts] Define phase space and give an example relevant to multi-media user interface design.

© 2002 Joseph Goguen