I received my PhD in computer science from the
University of California, San Diego on June 2007. I did research
with Brad Calder in
the High Performance Processor Architecture and Compilation
lab, and I have focused on understanding the behavior
of programs during execution. A good application from this research
has been in simulation methodology. We've provided infrastructure to
allow you to quickly and accurately determine where you should be
spending your program simulation and analysis time. This is called
Simulation Point Toolkit (SimPoint).
To make up for the near vegetable state of working on the computer everyday, I try to balance myself out with some of these activities:
Gardening- Nothing quite as satisfying as some home-grown herbs. Check out some of my hot peppers. My dad helped me build a greenhouse for growing a variety of hot peppers, as a result of which I have enough hot peppers to burn an ulcer thru a piece of metal.
Guitar- I like to play them and also build them. I play mostly classical and Latin American music, and occasianally dabble with Flamenco. I have had numerous performances and also have a recording out. As far as building them, I strive for the traditional craft and try to minimize the use of powertools. Here are some guitar-pictures.
Backpacking and moutaineering are also great activities to recharge
with after a deadline. Here are some pictures from my recent attempt
Mt. Rainier.