Sunsern Cheamanunkul, Evan Ettinger, Matt Jacobsen, Patrick Lai and Yoav Freund. Detecting, Tracking and Interacting with People in a Public Space. International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and Workshop on Machine Learning (ICMI-MLMI) , November 2009. [pdf]
Evan Ettinger and Yoav Freund. Coordinate-Free Calibration of an Acoustically Driven Camera Pointing System. International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC), September 2008. Best Poster Award. [pdf][datasets]
Evan Ettinger, Brian McFee and Yoav Freund. Automatic Camerman. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Demo Session, December 2007 [poster]
Evan Ettinger, Shankar Shivappa, Deborah Goshorn, and Yoav Freund. Learning the Time-Delay Manifold for Robust Speaker Localization. UCSD Technical Report, December 2007 [pdf]
Evan Ettinger, Brian McFee, and Yoav Freund. Pinpoint: Identifying Packet Loss Culprits Using Adaptive Sampling. UCSD Technical Report, May 2007. [pdf]