Evan Ettinger
Graduate student in pursuit of PhD
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
Office: EBU3B 4142
eettinger AT cs.ucsd.edu

General Info
I was born in the northern part of the San Francisco Bay Area and went to Duke for undergraduate work. I graduated in 2004 with a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.A. in Computer Science. In the fall of 2004 I joined the AI group in the Computer Science and Engineering department at UCSD. I'm currently a PhD student being advised by Professor Yoav Freund. My research interests primarily involve applying machine learning techniques to the fields of network tomography, microphone arrays, and manifold learning. In my spare time I love to spark up a game of no limit texas hold 'em.
Research Projects
Automatic Cameraman - An automatic camera pointing system
[1] Sunsern Cheamanunkul, Evan Ettinger, Matt Jacobsen, Patrick Lai and Yoav Freund. Detecting, Tracking and Interacting with People in a Public Space. International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and Workshop on Machine Learning (ICMI-MLMI) , November 2009. [pdf]
[2] Evan Ettinger and Yoav Freund. Coordinate-Free Calibration of an Acoustically Driven Camera Pointing System. International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC), September 2008. Best Poster Award. [pdf][datasets]
[3] Evan Ettinger, Brian McFee and Yoav Freund. Automatic Camerman. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Demo Session, December 2007 [poster]
[4] Evan Ettinger, Shankar Shivappa, Deborah Goshorn, and Yoav Freund. Learning the Time-Delay Manifold for Robust Speaker Localization. UCSD Technical Report, December 2007 [pdf]
[5] Evan Ettinger, Brian McFee, and Yoav Freund. Pinpoint: Identifying Packet Loss Culprits Using Adaptive Sampling. UCSD Technical Report, May 2007. [pdf]