I am a third year PhD student in the computer science and engineering department at UC San Diego. I study computer vision and machine learning as a student of Serge Belongie.
While an undergrad at Swarthmore College, I worked in the summers with Gary Cottrell on a variety of cognitive science topics, thanks to whom I have an interest in machine vision and biologically inspired models. In 2008 I graduated with a BA in math and a minor in computer science.
In my first year at UCSD, I focused on machine learning while working with Charles Elkan. Mostly I took classes, especially ones with application to machine learning.
In the winter of my second year, I joined the lab of Serge Belongie. With him, I've worked on computer vision applications for the visually impaired, data-driven approaches for face verification under varying conditions, and super resolution.
Super-resolution, object detection in video, computer vision generally, machine learning generally.
echristiansen at cs.ucsd.edu
Eric Christiansen, Graduate Student
UCSD Department of Computer Science and Engineering
9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0404
La Jolla, California 92093-0404