Author: Matthew Chan
What is the main contribution of the paper?
Aside from the artefact, the Model-Policy-View-Controller architecture, which provides a framework for building IFC enabled web applications.
What problem does MPVC solve?
Traditional web application structure (i.e. MVC) has security checks littered across the code base, mostly in the controllers – the situation does not improve across different kinds of frameworks, both client and server side View frameworks suffer from the same problem (e.g. user metadata sanitization in the view). Specifying policy this way has two major disadvantages (a) policies have to be specified multiple times for the same piece of data, leading to (b) forgotten checks, inconsistent policies, and difficulties with revising the policies.
MPVC allows for the centralised specification of security policies where they logically belong (with the data) thus simplifying the view and controller by making redundant checks in those components. This needs to be supported by a runtime => Hails.
What are principals? What are the three types of principals in Hails?
A principal is a participant in the system who is allowed to read and write data. Policies are specified in terms of principals. Unforgeable tokens called privileges represent the authority of principals at runtime.
- Users
- VCs and remote resources they communicate with
- MPs
The Hails DSL allows policies to be specified via arbitrary actions. Does this affect the design of DCLabels?
It should not, since the labels evaluate to the same thing cf. policies specified as pure functions, you still get a label in the DCLabels format. The DSL affects only expressivity, and is safe with IFC controlled effects.
How is the Hails labelled DB API different from the MP DSL? Does one get the same guarantees if she does not use the DSL?
MPs may contain arbitrary code and can expose an arbitrary API
- Hails DB API: wraps the underlying DB API with labels, part of the Hails TCB.
- MP DSL: for describing MPs, which translate to calls to the DB API.
The DB API can be used to express things that maybe the DSL cannot. This is purely a matter of convenience; things are safe as long as the Hails libraries are used (policy is mandated by the Hails runtime anyways).
How are things labelled in Hails?
See Fig. 2 on pg. 7
The Hails MP persistence model is based on a document-oriented model (similar to Mongo), where
- DB = { collection } (≈ tables)
Every database has a label
- collection = { document } (≈ rows)
Every collection in a database has a collection label
MPs can specify coarse-grained DB and coll labels.
- document = { field } (≈ K-V mappings).
Fields can be indexed keys identifying the document or non-indexed elements
Documents and Fields can be labelled via a function of type Doc -> Label
i.e. label depends on document contents.
Why does Hails need OS level confinement and how is this different from threads? Are there alternative designs for this mechanism?
- For running external programs, i.e.
linter in thegitstar
example - Threads =/= Processes; a process can have many threads. Spawning threads in Hails/LIO is completely fine, the child thread acquires the label of its parent.
- This confinement does not extend to spawned processes, so we need a kernel level confinement solution. Hails uses standard Linux isolation mechanisms, but other sandbox/container solutions might also work, i.e. Docker.
- As discussed in class, a possible design might be to “flip” the process model and have all processes communicate via the safe Hails/LIO process. This way all IO is labelled and spawned processes can have access to the network and other resources. Sadly this doesn’t work because of label creep. (explain the problem in detail?)
How is Hails evaluated?
Same as Shill:
Expressiveness/usability: built a few applications with Hails, including one by a team of undergraduate research interns who were novices in Haskell and Hails. Found that MP was hard to get right but extension with VC is easy.
Performance: Evaluation against existing mainstream web frameworks, mostly demonstrating that interpreted languages (like Ruby) are terrible.
- Performance is competitive cf. Java but…
- DB performance is bad (mostly due to the Haskell Mongo library implementation, according to Deian)
Security: this is the focal point. Tiny TCB in application code across all examples. How big is the TCB for the Hails library + runtime + LIO/DCLabels/COWL ecosystem?
- The other parts are formalized in Coq :+1:
Another policy enforcing framework is Jeeves/Jacqueline. How is Hails different?
- Jeeves is a language, whereas Hails is a library/EDSL. This makes Hails more flexible and easier to change from a language design point of view. (+ usual host-language features for free argument for EDSLs)
- LIO’s programming model is more flexible (e.g., LIO has exceptions and threads).
- Jeeves is completely policy agnostic; Hails is mostly policy agnostic. The authors make a case for requiring policies be inspectable, i.e. to recover from failures (see concurrent LIO).
- Jeeves can specify policies on concrete data stored in DB directly, Hails requires a layer of indirection at the MP level. Unclear which is better.
- Hails has a story for confinement in the browser, via COWL, and for enforcement at the OS level.
- LIO addresses covert channels and generally has a stronger attacker model. Specifically, LIO supports termination sensitive noninterference (no leaks via termination channel). Jeeves supports termination insensitive noninterference (leaks via termination channel possible).