Project ideas
Below is a list of project ideas. Some are more open ended or more challenging than others. Hence, undertaking a substantial subset of any of these is a reasonable goal for this class.
- Prototype a new extension system architecture (e.g., for Brave?) that has a stronger attacker model: malicious extensions. (See our position on browser extension design for motivation.) Studying how and what permissions existing extensions use today would be an interesting component to this.
- Explore the use of Service workers, obfuscation (in the crypto sense), and CSP to implement security monitors like COWL in existing browsers.
- Automatically rewrite and compartmentalize client-side web applications to leverage COWL.
- Implement a discretionary access control (DAC) monad that ties in with a database library and the filesystem to enforce Hails-like policies.
- Implement a Resin-like system for Node.js, using ES6 proxies and program rewriting to essentially implement taint tracking. (Credit: this idea came out of a discussion with Brad Karp who would be a natural collaborator.)
- Develop domain-specific symbol execution. Consider, for example, finding (security) bugs in web (e.g., rails or express) applications. Or, consider, for example, using symbolic execution to reverse-engineer custom hardware protocols – come chat with me and Kirill Levchenko about this.
- Evaluate the Web Crypto API and design an alternative API that is less bug prone. Both a simpler API and an API that uses IFC to ensure keys are not leaked are reasonable directions.
- Develop a formal model for least privilege. What does it mean for a program to be least privileged? Given this model, look at a real applications within some domain (e.g., browser extensions, mobile apps) and either show that they are least privileged or that they are not. Alternatively, apply the model to IFC, capabilities, or other mechanisms.
- Develop a Passe-like inference algorithm that uses tests to infer application security policies. Hypothesis: a type inference-like algorithm can be used to easily do this for ORM-based applications. Given enough access examples (traces) the policy become more general; but starts out very specific.
- Use program synthesis to generate Hails and Passe-like policies from user-supplied examples.
- Unify IFC, capabilities, MAC and DAC. Show how they are equivalent (e.g., an IFC-secure program can be enforced with capabilities and DAC). And show where the different mechanisms are not compatible (e.g., attacker models?). Working on an implementation or formal setting are both reasonable here.
- Extend LIO with software transactional memory (STM) without introducing covert channels. This is especially interesting if the transactional model can be extended to the filesystem.
- Model a real crypto-based protocol like FIDO or OpenID using a model checker (e.g., Murphi or Alloy).
- Explore the interaction of garbage collection and information flow control. Can we have an IFC system that won’t leak via the GC?
- Explore the interaction of IFC and foreign function interfaces. Can we safely extend IFC systems with FFIs? (Maybe using Dune?)
- Design a new (graphical) language for describing secure systems (e.g. dns servers, web servers, ssh servers) and generate the boilerplate security enforcement code to ensure security/isolation between different compartments (where untrusted code implements functionality).
- Implement Singularity-like SIPs, but using Dune to do it in hardware. It would be interesting to do this in the context of a new Rust OS or Servo.
- Design language/DSL that makes it easy to securely write applications that rely on crypto (e.g., encrypted email, encrypted chat).
- Implement a fast MPC language/DSL. E.g., by building on λPS you can consider partially homomorphic encryption, network message batching, etc.
- Design language/DSL that makes it easy to have certain sensitive computations execute in an environment that is protected from the rest of the application/OS (e.g., by using SGX (enclaves) or offloading to SMC cloud).
- Design (monadic) DSL for expressing garbled circuits with the goal of proving security about arbitrary circuits (via composition) and generating efficient implementations (e.g., for x86 or FPGAs). This is joint work with Daniele Micciancio.
- Develop a formal model for browser binding code. This would make it possible to reason about security across languages like C++ and JavaScript. See our position paper on binding-layer CVEs for motivation. Using S5 and maybe Rust (motivated by Servo) may be intersting.
- Implement PAKE in existing browsers (similar to Stickler. (Credit: David Mazières and Quinn Slack did this by modifying the browser several years ago. Shravan is working on something similar and reminded me of this idea.)
- Devise a policy language (maybe by extending Hails’) to account for information leakage and an enforcement system for it. It would be interesting to tie this in with the external mitigation techniques we discussed in class or other equines like differential privacy.
- Design a language that gives you similar capabilities as BPF but is amendable to analysis and query. For example, given a program written in this language you may wish to ask if the only thing it allows is TCP traffic on port 80. If this is interesting to you, come chat with me and Kirill Levchenko.