Write your answers in between the square brackets. They will be used to detect your answer. DON'T modify anything else in this file! --- QUESTION #1 - 2 pts What is the value, in hex, of the ecx register when the function f is called? Sample Answer: [0xffff] Your Answer: [] --- QUESTION #2 - 2 pts Which register stores the value of the variable i in the function main? Sample Answer: [eip] Your Answer: [] --- QUESTION #3 - 2 pts What is the address, in hex, of the function f? Sample Answer: [0xffff] Your Answer: [] --- QUESTION #4 - 2 pts What is the name of the 6th instruction of the function f? Sample Answer: [mov] Your Answer: [] --- QUESTION #5 - 2 pts When f completes after being called from main, to which address in main does control return? Write your answer in hex form. Sample Answer: [0xffff] Your Answer: []