CSE 291: Geometric algorithms

TuTh 3.30-5 in CSE 2154

Sanjoy Dasgupta and Mohan Paturi
Office hours for Sanjoy: Wed 3-5 in CSE 4138
Office hours for Mohan: TBA

Syllabus and administrative details

Topics covered:

Course requirements: There will be periodic homework assignments as well as a final project.

Lecture schedule, homework assignments, and optional accompanying readings

Topic 1: Clustering

  1. The k-center clustering problem (Apr 2)
  2. The k-median problem (Apr 4)
  3. Algorithms for k-means clustering (Apr 9,11)
  4. Online and streaming algorithms for clustering (Apr 16,18,23)
  5. Hierarchical clustering (Apr 25)

Topic 2: Population recovery

Topic 3: Nearest-neighbor search