Daniele Micciancio

DBLP Scholar AI2 ACM IACR ORCID MO GitHub MGP MSA Aminer Geek and Poke twitter instagram LinkedIn KeyBase

Research Teaching Papers Book

[Picture] [Cover] [Cover (Japanese)] [Post Quantum Cryptography] [The LLL Algorithm] [TCC 2010] [Crypto 2019 Part 1] [Crypto 2019 Part 2] [Crypto 2019 Part 3] [Goldwasser & Micali] [Crypto 2020 Part 1] [Crypto 2020 Part 2] [Crypto 2020 Part 3]

Address: University of California, San Diego
Computer Science & Engineering Department
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail code 0404. La Jolla, CA 92093-5004, USA
Phone: (858) 822-2577. Fax: (858) 534-7029
E-mail: daniele(at)cs.ucsd.edu

I am a professor in the Computer Science & Engineering department at the University of California, San Diego. I am a member of the Cryptography and Security group and the Theory of Computation group. My research interests include:

See research projects and publications web pages for more information about my research. If you want to know more about lattices and their cryptographic applications, take course CSE206A: Lattice Algorithms and Applications (usually offered every two or three years) or read my book Complexity of lattice problems: a cryptographic perspective.

Most recent works (full list)

  1. Fully Composable Homomorphic Encryption
    IACR ePrint 2024/1545
    ePrint pdf Video

  2. Bit Security: optimal adversaries, equivalence results, and a toolbox for computational-statistical security analysis
    with Schultz.
    TCC 2024 (to appear)
    DOI ePrint pdf dblp

  3. SoK: Learning with Errors, Circular Security, and Fully Homomorphic Encryption
    with Vaikuntanathan.
    PKC 2024
    DOI dblp

  4. Faster Amortized FHEW bootstrapping using Ring Automorphisms
    with De Micheli, Kim & Suhl.
    PKC 2024
    DOI ePrint pdf dblp

  5. Application-Aware Approximate Homomorphic Encryption: Configuring FHE for Practical Use
    with Alexandru, Al Badawi & Polyakov.
    ePrint 2024/203
    ePrint pdf

  6. Hintless Single-Server Private Information Retrieval
    with Li, Raykova & Schultz.
    Crypto 2024
    DOI ePrint pdf dblp

  7. Simulation-Secure Threshold PKE from LWE with Polynomial Modulus
    with Suhl.
    ePrint 2023/1728
    ePrint pdf

  8. Reductions from Module Lattices to Free Module Lattices, and Application to Dequantizing Module-LLL
    with De Micheli, Pellet-Mary & Tran.
    Crypto 2023 (supersedes ePrint 2022/1356)
    DOI ePrint pdf dblp Slides

  9. Error Correction and Ciphertext Quantization in Lattice Cryptography
    with Schultz.
    Crypto 2023
    DOI ePrint pdf dblp Slides

  10. Efficient Machine Learning on Encrypted Data using Hyperdimensional Computing
    with Nam, Zhou, Gupta, De Micheli, Cammarota, Wilkerson & Rosig.
    ISPLED 2023
    DOI dblp

  11. Collaborative Privacy-Preserving Analysis of Oncological Data using Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption
    with Geva, Gusev, Polyakov, Liram, Rosolio, Alexandru, Genise, Blatt, Duchin, Waissengreen, Mirelman, Bukstein, Blumenthal, Wolf, Pelles, Shaffer, Lavi, Vaikuntanathan, Al Badawi & Goldwasser.
    PNAS 2023
    DOI ePrint pdf

  12. Efficient FHEW Bootstrapping with Small Evaluation Keys, and Applications to Threshold Homomorphic Encryption
    with Lee, Kim, Choi, Deryabin, Eom & Yoo
    Eurocrypt 2023
    DOI ePrint pdf dblp Slides

Professional Activities

Graduate Students and Postdocs

Current Students and Postdocs: Adam Suhl

Past students: Fritz Schneider (MS 2002), Bogdan Warinschi (PhD 2004), Alejandro Hevia (PhD 2006), Saurabh Panjwani (PhD 2007), Vadim Lyubashevsky (PhD 2008), Scott Yilek (PhD 2010), Panagiotis Voulgaris (PhD 2011), Petros Mol (PhD 2013), Radeshyam Balasundaram (MS 2015), Michael Walter (PhD 2017), Evan Roncevich (MS 2018). Nicholas Genise (PhD 2019), Baiyu Li (PhD 2021) Jessica Sorrell (PhD 2022) Mark Schultz (PhD 2024)

Past Postdocs: Leo Ducas, Nadia Heninger, Marc Fischlin, Gabrielle De Micheli