Math 96:
Putnam Seminar
Fall 2024
- First day of class September 27th
2pm in AP&M B402A
- For Commencement of Academic Activity, please complete the
quiz on Canvas by October 11th
- You can register for the Putnam Exam here
- Homework
1 Due Friday October 4th in class
- Homework 2 Due Friday October
11th in class
- Homework 3 - Write up one problem solved in class on October
11th cleanly. Due in class Friday October 18th
- Homework 4
Due Friday October 25th in class
- Homework 5 - Write up one problem solved in class on October
25th cleanly. Due in class Friday November 1st
- Homework 6
Due Friday November 8th in class
- Homework 7 - Write up one problem solved in class on
November 8th cleanly. Due in class Friday November 15th
- Homework 8 Due Friday November
22nd in class
Class Notes:
Description: Students will develop skills in analytical
thinking as they solve and present solutions to challenging
mathematical problems in preparation for the William Lowell
Putnam Mathematics Competition, a national undergraduate
mathematics examination held each year. Students must sit for at
least one half of the Putnam exam (given the first Saturday in
December) to receive a passing grade. P/NP grades only. May be
taken for credit up to four times.