Daniel M. KaneDepartment Address: 9500
Drive #0404 Office Locations: CSE 4212 Phone: (858) 246-0102 AP&M 7131 Phone: (858) 534-2125 I am a professor at UCSD with a joint appointment between CSE and Mathematics. My username is dakane and you can reach me at this username at @ucsd.edu, or @math.ucsd.edu. I also have a gmail account with username ALadKeenIn.
I have broad research interests within mathematics and
theoretical computer science. While my research covers a wide
range of topics my mathematics work tends to be within the broad
areas of number theory and combinatorics, while my computer
science research tends to be about derandomization, Boolean
functions (with particular emphasis on polynomial threshold
functions), or machine learning. For the past few years, the
bulk of my research has been in computational statistics. In
particular, I have a recent book on robust
statistics with Ilias Diakonikolas to be published by
Cambridge University Press.