Bennet's Papers

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This page lists Bennet's papers that may be downloaded. The papers are preprints that may differ slightly from the printed versions. They are in (sometimes gzipped) PostScript .
  • Forward-Security in Private-Key Cryptography, with M Bellare
  • Incomplete Higher Order Gauss Sums, with R Evans and M Minei.
  • Security in the Sanctuary System, with M Hohlfeld and A Ojha.
  • Monotonicity and Partial Results Protection for Mobile Agents
  • Security Metrology and the Monty Hall Problem [PDF]
  • How to Migrate Agents, with M Hohlfeld.
  • Mobile Agents and Intellectual Property Protection, with S Belmon, appeared in Mobile Agents 98.
  • Forward Integrity for Audit Logs, with M Bellare.
  • A Sanctuary for Mobile Agents -- an updated version which appeared in Secure Internet Programming.
  • A Sanctuary for Mobile Agents (also in PDF)
  • Smart Cards in Hostile Environments (CS96-493), with H Gobioff, S Smith, and J D Tygar.
  • Anonymous Atomic Transactions (CS96-492), with J Camp, M Harkavy, and J D Tygar. See also the final version as published in the Second Usenix Workshop on Electronic Commerce.
  • Designing cryptographic postage indicia with J D Tygar and N Heintze -- invited paper to ASIAN-96. (An earlier version appeared in Proc. Securicom '96, and also as UCSD TR CS96-485.)
  • Secure Coprocessors in Electronic Commerce Applications with J D Tygar.
  • Using Secure Coprocessors. [PDF]
  • Strongbox chapter from the book, CMU Computer Science: A 25th Anniversary Commemorative,
  • Cryptography: It's Not Just For Electronic Mail Any More
  • @Book{SIP99,
      author =       "Jan Vitek and Christian Jensen",
      title =        "Secure Internet Programming: Security Issues
                      for Mobile and Distributed Objects",
      volume =       "",
      publisher =    "Springer-Verlag Inc.",
      address =      "New York, NY, USA",
      year =         "1999",
      ISBN =         "3-540-66130-1",
      ISSN =         "0302-9743",
      LCCN =         "",
      series =       "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
      number =       "1603",
      keywords =     "Computer security; Electronic data processing ---
                     Distributed processing --- Security; Intelligent agents
                     (Computer software) --- Security measures; measures;
                     Mobile agents (Computer software)",
      author = 	 {Bennet S. Yee},
      title = 	 {A Sanctuary for Mobile Agents},
      booktitle = 	 "Secure Internet Programming",
      pages     =     "261--274",
      crossref  =    "SIP99"
      author = 	 {Stephane Belmon and Bennet Yee},
      title = 	 {Mobile Agents and Intellectual Property Protection},
      booktitle = 	 {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mobile Agents 98},
      series =	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
      year =	 1998,
      publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
      month =	 {September},
      note =	 {To appear}
      author = 	 {Mihir Bellare and Bennet Yee},
      title = 	 {Forward Integrity for Secure Audit Logs},
      institution =  {Computer Science and Engineering Department,
                      University of California at San Diego},
      year = 	 1997,
      month =	 {November}
      author =	 "Bennet S. Yee",
      title =	 "A Sanctuary For Mobile Agents",
      number =	 "CS97-537",
      month =	 "April",
      year =	 "1997",
      address =	 "La Jolla, CA",
      institution =	 "University of California at San Diego",
      note =	 "An earlier version of this paper appeared at the
    		  {DARPA Workshop on Foundations for Secure Mobile Code}",
    	Author="Howard Gobioff and Sean Smith and J. D. Tygar and Bennet Yee",
    	Title="Smart Cards in Hostile Environments",
    	BookTitle="Proceedings of The Second {USENIX} Workshop on
    		  Electronic Commerce",
    	address="Oakland, CA",
    	Author="Jean Camp and Michael Harkavy and Doug Tygar and Bennet Yee",
    	Title="Anonymous Atomic Transactions",
    	BookTitle="Proceedings of The Second {USENIX} Workshop on
    		  Electronic Commerce",
    	address="Oakland, CA",
    	Author="Nevin Heintz and Doug Tygar and Bennet Yee",
    	Title="Designing Cryptographic Postage Indicia",
    	BookTitle="Proceedings of ASIAN '96",
    	Author="Nevin Heintz and Doug Tygar and Bennet Yee",
    	Title="Designing Cryptographic Postage Indicia",
    	BookTitle="Proceedings of the 14th Worldwide Congress on
    		Computer and Communications Security Protection",
    	address="Paris, France",
    	Author="Bennet Yee and Doug Tygar",
    	Title="Secure Coprocessors in Electronic Commerce Applications",
    	BookTitle="Proceedings of The First {USENIX} Workshop on
    		  Electronic Commerce",
    	address="New York, New York",
    	Author="Bennet S. Yee",
    	School="Carnegie Mellon University",
    	Title="Using Secure Coprocessors",

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    picture of bsy, last updated Fri Aug 29 00:27:59 PDT 2003. Copyright 2003 Bennet Yee.
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