On line software repositories
- boost.org, free peer-reviewed portable C++
source libraries.
- MATLAB Central File Exchange
- Code Cogs, an open source
scientific library
- Netlib repository of numerical software and related reports. (If you clone this window and click here,
you will get a one-page listing of all the libraries available within netlib.)
- Mathtools.net Link Exchange for the Technical Computing Community
- The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
- Freely available software for linear algebra
- John Burkardt's repository of code, documentation and datasets
- NAS Software and dataset downloads
- CASC datasheet on numerical libraries
- Sparse Matrices
- HPCC National Software Exchange
- John Burkhardt's software
- Genomic and Bioinformatics Group, NCI, NIH, DHHS
- Benchmarks
- Math.net links to the Mathematical World
- The Parallel Computing Archive, University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K.
- German Scientific Computing
- Internet Parallel Computing Archive
- CPC Program library (CPC = Computer Physics Communication)
- The Object-Oriented Numerics Page
Repository for information related to multigrid, multilevel, multiscale,
aggregation, defect correction, and domain decomposition methods.
- GAMS - Guide to Available Math Software
- A bibliography from Argonne
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[Wed Sep 5 00:04:15 PDT 2012]