Tatami Protocol
The Tatami Protocol is a proof distributed broadcatsing protocol which mentains the consistency of proofs on users sites. It is highly deppendent upon the Tatami Database which, among other features, is used to store the meessages handled by the protocol. There are some standard daemons responsible for the low level communication working in the background which provide the mechanism on which the Tatami Protocol is based. However, the Tatami Protocol should be viewed as a colection of strategies saying what to do when some events are encountered. The events we are considering are: There is an abstract State of the system which is modified every time an event as above appears. The implementation details of the state are hidden for the applications using the protocol. However, there are some attributes which allow the applications to extract useful information from the state: The proofweb of the Tatami Protocol consists in three main parts: the attribute coherence of the specification, some distributed properties of the protocol, and the corectnesss of the protocol.
This websites has 14 goals:

Here is the duck code that generated this website.
To the Tatami demos homepage.
To the Links Project homepage.
To the UCSD Meaning and Computation Group homepage.
The prose on this page was written by Grigore Rosu, and the proof was generated from code written by Grigore Rosu, using Kumo on Fri Jun 12 12:39:51 PDT 1998. Kumo is implemented by Kai Lin .