proof: <<FlagThm>> spec: /cse/grad/klin/obj3/flag.obj goal: (forall F : Flag) rev(rev(F)) = F . relation: op _R_ : Flag Flag -> Bool . vars F1 F2 : Flag . eq F1 R F2 = up? F1 == up? F2 . [] by: coinduction; [] *** ************************************************************ display: title: "Doubly Reversed Flag" putdir: /net/cs/htdocs/groups/tatami/demos/flag gethomepage: /home/klin/he/flag.hp getspecexpl: /home/klin/he/flagspecexp.html <<FlagThm>> subtitle: "We show that reversing a flag twice has no effect." getexpl: /net/beowulf/grad/klin/he/flagexp1.html <<FlagThm.1>> subtitle: "We show that <math>R</math> is a hidden <delta/>-congruence." getexpl: /net/beowulf/grad/klin/he/flagexp2.html <<FlagThm.2>> subtitle: "Finally we show <math>(rev rev F) R F</math>." getexpl: /net/beowulf/grad/klin/he/flagexp4.html []