Hardware Retiming
Correctness of a Hardware Retiming Transformation
This example applies BOBJ's circular coinductive rewriting algorithm with case
analysis, to a hardware verification example, taken from the thesis of Paul
Miner at Indiana University (1998), written under the direction of
Prof. Steven Johnson; this thesis applies explicit coinduction to many
hardware examples, and inspired us to try our approach on the same domain. A
diagram for the circuit is given below, and the code in the next section is
due to Kai Lin, as is the idea of enhancing circular coinductive rewriting
with case analysis; the syntax was designed by Joseph Goguen.
The problem is to prove that the second circuit has the same behavior as
the first; this means proving correctness of a "retiming transformation," done
to minimize the longest (i.e., critical) path through the first circuit. The
approach in the thesis of Paul Miner was to translate the logic of a hardware
description language named DRS into the higher order logic of the PVS theorem
prover, which then required some rather non-trivial interactions with the user
in order to complete the proof. Our approach here is much more direct,
expressing both the circuit and the proof task in BOBJ, and then applying the
CCRW algorithm with one case analysis and one lemma. Although less than
entirely trivial, these are standard tricks that can be learned from
experience; actually, these Boolean case analyses are entirely standard for
hardware and could be automated, and the cobasis used is also standard.
1. BOBJ Source Code
*** file: /tatami/bobj/examples/mux.bob
*** hardware retiming transformation correctness
bth STREAM is sort Stream .
op _&_ : Bool Stream -> Stream .
op hd : Stream -> Bool .
op tl : Stream -> Stream .
var S : Stream . var B : Bool .
eq hd(B & S) = B .
eq tl(B & S) = S .
bth FUN is pr STREAM .
op f : Bool -> Bool .
op mapf : Stream -> Stream .
op mux : Stream Stream Stream -> Stream .
op mux : Bool Bool Bool -> Bool .
op feedback : Stream Stream Bool -> Stream .
vars B B1 B2 : Bool . vars S S1 S2 S3 : Stream .
eq hd(mapf(S)) = f(hd(S)) .
eq tl(mapf(S)) = mapf(tl(S)) .
eq hd(mux(S1, S2, S3)) = hd(S2) if hd(S1) .
eq hd(mux(S1, S2, S3)) = hd(S3) if not hd(S1).
eq tl(mux(S1, S2, S3)) = tl(S2) if hd(S1) .
eq tl(mux(S1, S2, S3)) = tl(S3) if not hd(S1) .
eq mux(true, B1, B2) = B1 .
eq mux(false, B1, B2) = B2 .
eq hd(feedback(S1, S2, B)) = B .
eq tl(feedback(S1, S2, B)) =
feedback(tl(S1), tl(S2), mux(hd(S1), hd(S2), B)) .
bth SYSTEM is pr FUN .
ops old new : Stream Stream Bool -> Stream .
vars B B1 B2 : Bool . vars S S1 S2 : Stream .
eq hd(old(S1, S2, B)) = f(B) .
eq tl(old(S1, S2, B)) = mapf(mux(S1, S2, feedback(S1, S2, B))) .
eq hd(new(S1, S2, B)) = B .
eq tl(new(S1, S2, B)) = mux(S1, mapf(S2), feedback(S1, mapf(S2), B)) .
op hd : Stream -> Bool .
op tl : Stream -> Stream .
vars S1 S2 S3 : Stream .
context mux(S1, S2, S3) .
case eq hd(S1) = true .
case eq hd(S1) = false .
vars B1 B2 B3 : Bool .
context mux(B1, B2, B3) .
case eq B1 = true .
case eq B1 = false .
set cred trace on .
***> a lemma
mapf(feedback(S1, S2, B)) == feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B)) .
***> main result
open .
eq mapf(feedback(S1, S2, B)) = feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B)) .
old(S1, S2, B) == new(S1, S2, f(B)) .
2. BOBJ Output
awk% bobj
--- Welcome to BOBJ ---
BOBJ version 0.9.196 built: Tue Oct 29 16:43:36 PST 2002
University of California, San Diego
Mon Nov 04 12:15:28 PST 2002
BOBJ> in mux
bth FUN
set cobasis SYSTEM-COBASIS
***> a lemma
c-reduce in SYSTEM : mapf(feedback(S1, S2, B)) == feedback(S1,
mapf(S2), f(B))
using cobasis SYSTEM-COBASIS for SYSTEM
reduced to: mapf(feedback(S1, S2, B)) == feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B))
add rule (C1) : mapf(feedback(S1, S2, B)) = feedback(S1, mapf(S2),
target is: mapf(feedback(S1, S2, B)) == feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B))
expand by: op hd : Stream -> Bool
reduced to: true
nf: f(B)
target is: mapf(feedback(S1, S2, B)) == feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B))
expand by: op tl : Stream -> Stream
deduced using (C1) : feedback(tl(S1), mapf(tl(S2)), f(mux(hd(S1),
hd(S2), B))) == feedback(tl(S1), mapf(tl(S2)), mux(hd(S1),
f(hd(S2)), f(B)))
case analysis by MUX-CASE-ANALYSE
introduce constant(s):
s1 for the variable S1
s for the variable S2
b for the variable B
case 1 :
assume: hd(s1) = true
reduce: feedback(tl(s1), mapf(tl(s)), f(mux(hd(s1), hd(s), b))) ==
feedback(tl(s1), mapf(tl(s)), mux(hd(s1), f(hd(s)), f(b)))
nf: true
case 2 :
assume: hd(s1) = false
reduce: feedback(tl(s1), mapf(tl(s)), f(mux(hd(s1), hd(s), b))) ==
feedback(tl(s1), mapf(tl(s)), mux(hd(s1), f(hd(s)), f(b)))
nf: true
result: true
c-rewrite time: 287ms parse time: 8ms
***> main result
eq mapf(feedback(S1, S2, B)) = feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B))
c-reduce in SYSTEM : old(S1, S2, B) == new(S1, S2, f(B))
using cobasis SYSTEM-COBASIS for SYSTEM
reduced to: old(S1, S2, B) == new(S1, S2, f(B))
add rule (C1) : old(S1, S2, B) = new(S1, S2, f(B))
target is: old(S1, S2, B) == new(S1, S2, f(B))
expand by: op hd : Stream -> Bool
reduced to: true
nf: f(B)
target is: old(S1, S2, B) == new(S1, S2, f(B))
expand by: op tl : Stream -> Stream
reduced to: mapf(mux(S1, S2, feedback(S1, S2, B))) == mux(S1,
mapf(S2), feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B)))
case analysis by MUX-STREAM-CASE-ANALYSE
introduce constant(s):
s for the variable S1
s1 for the variable S2
b for the variable B
case 1 :
assume: hd(s) = true
reduce: mapf(mux(s, s1, feedback(s, s1, b))) == mux(s, mapf(s1),
feedback(s, mapf(s1), f(b)))
nf: mapf(mux(s, s1, feedback(s, s1, b))) == mux(s, mapf(s1),
feedback(s, mapf(s1), f(b)))
case analysis failed
add rule (C2) : mapf(mux(S1, S2, feedback(S1, S2, B))) = mux(S1,
mapf(S2), feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B)))
target is: mapf(mux(S1, S2, feedback(S1, S2, B))) == mux(S1,
mapf(S2), feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B)))
expand by: op hd : Stream -> Bool
reduced to: f(hd(mux(S1, S2, feedback(S1, S2, B)))) == hd(mux(S1,
mapf(S2), feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B))))
case analysis by MUX-STREAM-CASE-ANALYSE
introduce constant(s):
s for the variable S1
s1 for the variable S2
b for the variable B
case 1 :
assume: hd(s) = true
reduce: f(hd(mux(s, s1, feedback(s, s1, b)))) == hd(mux(s, mapf(s1),
feedback(s, mapf(s1), f(b))))
nf: true
case 2 :
assume: hd(s) = false
reduce: f(hd(mux(s, s1, feedback(s, s1, b)))) == hd(mux(s, mapf(s1),
feedback(s, mapf(s1), f(b))))
nf: true
target is: mapf(mux(S1, S2, feedback(S1, S2, B))) == mux(S1,
mapf(S2), feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B)))
expand by: op tl : Stream -> Stream
reduced to: mapf(tl(mux(S1, S2, feedback(S1, S2, B)))) == tl(mux(S1,
mapf(S2), feedback(S1, mapf(S2), f(B))))
case analysis by MUX-STREAM-CASE-ANALYSE
introduce constant(s):
s for the variable S1
s1 for the variable S2
b for the variable B
case 1 :
assume: hd(s) = true
reduce: mapf(tl(mux(s, s1, feedback(s, s1, b)))) == tl(mux(s,
mapf(s1), feedback(s, mapf(s1), f(b))))
nf: true
case 2 :
assume: hd(s) = false
reduce: mapf(tl(mux(s, s1, feedback(s, s1, b)))) == tl(mux(s,
mapf(s1), feedback(s, mapf(s1), f(b))))
nf: true
result: true
c-rewrite time: 154ms parse time: 7ms
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Maintained by Joseph Goguen
Last modified: Sat Dec 29 11:20:41 PST 2001