Lazy Functional Programming Examples
The following uses circular coinductive rewriting to prove some behavioral
equations for infinite streams; such equations arise, for example, in lazy
functional programming. Many such examples were treated by Louise Dennis in her
Edinburgh PhD thesis, using complex heuristics to find relations that can
succeed with explicit coinduction. Here we use only BOBJ's circular
coinductive rewriting algorithm, without any human intervention or machine
heuristics. Most of these examples are due to Grigore Rosu. Circular coinductive
rewriting was able to solve every example from Dennis's thesis that we tried.
The following three specifications are used throughout this page; note that
STREAM and ZIP are parameterized, as are some subsequent
modules, though others are instantiated with NAT or BOOL.
The operation zip splices two streams together, by taking elements
from each one alternately.
th DATA is sort Data . end
bth STREAM[X :: DATA] is sort Stream .
op head_ : Stream -> Data .
op tail_ : Stream -> Stream .
op _&_ : Data Stream -> Stream .
var D : Data . var S : Stream .
eq head(D & S) = D .
eq tail(D & S) = S .
bth ZIP[X :: DATA] is pr STREAM[X] .
op zip : Stream Stream -> Stream .
vars S S' : Stream .
eq head zip(S,S') = head S .
eq tail zip(S,S') = zip(S', tail S) .
1. Blink
The goal of the following simple example is to show that the infinite stream 0
1 0 1 0 1 ... is the zip of the two streams containing only 0's and only 1's.
The behavioral specification of these three streams is followed by the proof,
a particularly elegant example of circular coinductive rewriting.
1.1 Source Code
bth BLINK is pr ZIP[NAT] .
ops zero one blink : -> Stream .
eq head zero = 0 . eq tail zero = zero .
eq head one = 1 . eq tail one = one .
eq head blink = 0 . eq head tail blink = 1 .
eq tail tail blink = blink .
set cred trace on
cred blink == zip(zero, one) .
1.2 Output
This output includes the preliminary material, which is not repeated in
subsequent examples. Note that the result to be proved is added as rule (C1),
which is then proved by coinduction on the cobasis of STREAM, using
(C1) itself; this is the essence of circular coinduction. Note also that a
second rule (C2) is also added; in effect, it is a lemma which is also proved
along with the main assertion. The keyword deduced in the ouput
indicates application of one (or both) of these circularities, as opposed to
deduced, which means that the proof only used behavioral reduction
with equations in the specifications.
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***> lazy functional programming examples
bth ZIP
c-reduce in BLINK : blink == zip(zero , one)
using cobasis for BLINK:
op head : Stream -> Nat
op tail : Stream -> Stream
reduced to: blink == zip(zero , one)
add rule (C1) : blink = zip(zero , one)
target is: blink == zip(zero , one)
expand by: op head : Stream -> Nat
reduced to: true
nf: 0
target is: blink == zip(zero , one)
expand by: op tail : Stream -> Stream
reduced to: tail(blink) == zip(one , zero)
add rule (C2) : tail(blink) = zip(one , zero)
target is: tail(blink) == zip(one , zero)
expand by: op head : Stream -> Nat
reduced to: true
nf: 1
target is: tail(blink) == zip(one , zero)
expand by: op tail : Stream -> Stream
deduced using (C1) : true
nf: zip(zero , one)
result: true
c-rewrite time: 371ms parse time: 9ms
2. An Iterative Stream
There are (at least) two ways to define a stream x, f(x), f(f(x)),
f(f(f(x))), ..., where f is an arbitrary but fixed function from data to
data, one obvious definition and another less obvious. We show that these two
are equivalent using circular coinduction.
2.1 Source Code
th FDATA is pr DATA .
op f_ : Data -> Data .
bth ITER[X :: FDATA] is pr STREAM[X] .
op iter1_ : Data -> Stream .
var D : Data . var S : Stream .
eq head iter1 D = D .
eq tail iter1 D = iter1 f D .
op mapf_ : Stream -> Stream .
eq head mapf S = f head S .
eq tail mapf S = mapf tail S .
op iter2_ : Data -> Stream .
eq head iter2 D = D .
eq tail iter2 D = mapf iter2 D .
set cred trace on
cred iter1 D == iter2 D .
2.2 Output
bth ITER
c-reduce in ITER : iter1 D == iter2 D
using cobasis for ITER:
op head _ : Stream -> Data [prec 15]
op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
reduced to: iter1 D == iter2 D
add rule (C1) : iter1 D = iter2 D
target is: iter1 D == iter2 D
expand by: op head _ : Stream -> Data [prec 15]
reduced to: true
nf: D
target is: iter1 D == iter2 D
expand by: op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
deduced using (C1) : iter2 (f D) == mapf (iter2 D)
add rule (C2) : iter2 (f D) = mapf (iter2 D)
target is: iter2 (f D) == mapf (iter2 D)
expand by: op head _ : Stream -> Data [prec 15]
reduced to: true
nf: f D
target is: iter2 (f D) == mapf (iter2 D)
expand by: op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
deduced using (C2) : true
nf: mapf (mapf (iter2 D))
result: true
c-rewrite time: 85ms parse time: 3ms
3. Natural Number Stream
We thank Wolfram Schulte for suggesting that we investigate this and the
following example, which shows that two defintitions of the stream of all
natural numbers are equivalent.
3.1 Source Code
op nats_ : Nat -> Stream .
var N : Nat . var S : Stream .
eq head nats N = N .
eq tail nats N = nats N+1 .
op succ_ : Stream -> Stream .
eq head succ S = 1 + head S .
eq tail succ S = succ tail S .
op nats'_ : Nat -> Stream .
eq head nats' N = N .
eq tail nats' N = succ nats' N .
set cred trace on
cred nats N == nats' N .
3.2 Output
c-reduce in NATSTREAM : nats N == nats' N
using cobasis for NATSTREAM:
op head _ : Stream -> Nat [prec 15]
op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
reduced to: nats N == nats' N
add rule (C1) : nats N = nats' N
target is: nats N == nats' N
expand by: op head _ : Stream -> Nat [prec 15]
reduced to: true
nf: N
target is: nats N == nats' N
expand by: op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
deduced using (C1) : nats' (1 + N) == succ (nats' N)
add rule (C2) : nats' (1 + N) = succ (nats' N)
target is: nats' (1 + N) == succ (nats' N)
expand by: op head _ : Stream -> Nat [prec 15]
reduced to: true
nf: 1 + N
target is: nats' (1 + N) == succ (nats' N)
expand by: op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
deduced using (C2) : true
nf: succ (succ (nats' N))
result: true
c-rewrite time: 102ms parse time: 14ms
4. Fibonnacci Number Stream
This slightly more complex example shows that two definitions of the stream of
Fibonnacci numbers are equivalent; two additional circularities are generated
during the proof.
4.1 Source Code
dth NAT-FIBO is pr NAT .
var N : Nat .
op f_ : Nat -> Nat .
eq f(0) = 0 . eq f(1) = 1 .
eq f(N + 2) = f(N + 1) + f(N) .
var N : Nat . var S : Stream .
op nats_ : Nat -> Stream .
eq head nats N = N .
eq tail nats N = nats N + 1 .
op mapf_ : Stream -> Stream .
eq head mapf S = f head S .
eq tail mapf S = mapf tail S .
op fib_ : Nat -> Stream .
eq fib N = mapf nats N .
op add12_ : Stream -> Stream .
eq head add12 S = head S + head tail S .
eq tail add12 S = add12 tail tail S .
op fib'_ : Nat -> Stream .
eq head fib' N = f N .
eq head tail fib' N = f(N + 1) .
eq tail tail fib' N = add12 zip(fib' N, tail fib' N) .
set cred trace on
cred fib N == fib' N .
4.2 Output
c-reduce in STREAM-FIBO : fib N == fib' N
using cobasis for STREAM-FIBO:
op head _ : Stream -> Nat [prec 15]
op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
reduced to: mapf (nats N) == fib' N
add rule (C1) : mapf (nats N) = fib' N
target is: mapf (nats N) == fib' N
expand by: op head _ : Stream -> Nat [prec 15]
reduced to: true
nf: f N
target is: mapf (nats N) == fib' N
expand by: op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
deduced using (C1) : fib' (1 + N) == tail (fib' N)
add rule (C2) : fib' (1 + N) = tail (fib' N)
target is: fib' (1 + N) == tail (fib' N)
expand by: op head _ : Stream -> Nat [prec 15]
reduced to: true
nf: f (1 + N)
target is: fib' (1 + N) == tail (fib' N)
expand by: op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
reduced to: tail (fib' (1 + N)) == add12 zip(fib' N, tail (fib' N))
add rule (C3) : tail (fib' (1 + N)) = add12 zip(fib' N, tail (fib'
target is: tail (fib' (1 + N)) == add12 zip(fib' N, tail (fib' N))
expand by: op head _ : Stream -> Nat [prec 15]
reduced to: true
nf: (f N) + (f (1 + N))
target is: tail (fib' (1 + N)) == add12 zip(fib' N, tail (fib' N))
expand by: op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
deduced using (C2) : true
nf: add12 zip(tail (fib' N), add12 zip(fib' N, tail (fib' N)))
result: true
c-rewrite time: 308ms parse time: 1ms
5. Double Negation
We conclude with the simplest example, doubly negating a stream of Boolean
values; no additional circularities are generated beyond the initial equation
to be proved.
5.1 Source Code
bth NEG is pr STREAM[BOOL] .
op neg_ : Stream -> Stream .
var S : Stream .
eq head neg S = not head S .
eq tail neg S = neg tail S .
set cred trace on
cred neg neg S == S .
5.2 Output
bth NEG
c-reduce in NEG : neg (neg S) == S
using cobasis for NEG:
op head _ : Stream -> Bool [prec 15]
op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
reduced to: neg (neg S) == S
add rule (C1) : neg (neg S) = S
target is: neg (neg S) == S
expand by: op head _ : Stream -> Bool [prec 15]
reduced to: true
nf: head S
target is: neg (neg S) == S
expand by: op tail _ : Stream -> Stream [prec 15]
deduced using (C1) : true
nf: tail S
result: true
c-rewrite time: 98ms parse time: 3ms
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Maintained by Joseph Goguen
Last modified: Sun Aug 17 19:17:06 PDT 2003