CSE202: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Winter 2021)

Webpage: https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/classes/wi21/cse202-a
Schedule: TuTh 9:30am-10:50am on Zoom
Instructor: Daniele Micciancio (daniele@cs.ucsd.edu)
Teaching Assistants: Anant Dhayal (adhayal@ucsd.edu), Mihir Jain (mcjain@ucsd.edu), Lana Gasparini (lgaspari@ucsd.edu)

For detailed course information see the Syllabus

Here are links to the sites we will use for this course:

Piazza is the preferred mode of contacting the intructors with course related questions, so other students can benefit from discussion. You can also post questions privately to the instructors if needed, but please do that only if necessary.

Additional resources for the study of algoritms.