Wireless embedded systems bridge our physical world with powerful digital control systems and cloud data analytics. Applications range from medical devices such as Bluetooth-enabled blood glucose meters, to payment systems such as Near-Field Communication-based credit cards. In this class, students will learn about how an embedded system works from the ground up. The lectures will focus on the key enabling components of embedded systems, including: Clocks, GPIO, Interrupts, Busses, Amplifiers, Regulators, Power supplies, ADC/DAC, DMA, Storage, and Wireless communication. The goal of the class is to familiarize the students with these components so that they feel comfortable working on a team that is building a device that incorporates a wireless embedded system.
CSE30 (CSE 120 recommended)
We will be supplementing the lectures with material from the following freely available sources:
We will manage discussions, grading, and announcements for this course with Piazza.
All programming assignments must be completed in your assigned groups. You and/or your partner must write all solutions and code that you submit, excepting any code that was provided to you as part of the assignment. You may discuss the assignments with others, but you may NOT make your code available to others or copy answers or code from another student--this includes GitHub repostiories (or similar) for assignments from this or similar courses in previous terms at any university. You will be issued private GitHub repositories for use in this course; it is your responsibility to make sure your code stays private. Exams will be individual effort and closed book.
Day | Topic | Preparation for class |
Week 0: Course introduction | ||
Fri Sept 22 | Introduction | |
Week 1: Introduction to emdedded systems | ||
Mon Sept 26 | Class canceled (holiday) | |
Wed Spt 28 | MCUs | |
Fri Spt 30 | MCUs (cont.) | |
Week 2: How to develop code for embedded systems | ||
Mon Oct 3 | Development Environment and using Pointers, Headers, and Registers | |
Wed Oct 5 | Schematics and Datasheets | |
Fri Oct 7 | GPIO | |
Week 6: Midterm Exam | ||
Oct Nov 31 | Midterm Review Session | |
Wed Nov 2 | Midterm Exam | |
Final exam | ||
Fri Dec 9 | Final (8:00am - 11:00am) |