Textbook: Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos, 1st edition.
The material presented in the course will closely follow the book (Chapters 1 through 12), and reading from the textbook is an important part of course preparation. Homework assignments may also include problems from the textbook. So, make sure you have a copy of the book and make good use of it. UCSD Bookstore does not necessarily carry the book. You can obtain the book from one of the online vendors listed below or from any other source.
See syllabus for list of topics, prerequisites and evaluation.
Piazza discussion board. Use this link to sign up. This is the preferred mode of contacting the intructors with course related questions, so other students can benefit from discussion. You can also post questions privately to the instructors if needed, but please do that only if necessary.
Assignments: Pointers to reading assignments and homework will be posted here.
Resources for the study of algoritms.
Each student is expected to work by herself/himself to complete homework, tests, and projects. However, in the case of homework, students are encouraged to discuss high-level ideas and strategies among themselves in small groups. This in no way relieves the responsibility on the part of each student to work out all the details and write the solutions by herself/himself. To ensure individual responsibility, students are not allowed to take notes during these discussions.
The authorized materials for this course include the course text book (as well as textbooks or lecture notes of prerequisite courses as listed in the resources section), supplementary reading, and materials posted on this website for the current quarter. Use of any other materials or aids to complete a homework, test or project requires an explicit approval from the instructor. Here is the UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship, which you are expected to adhere in letter and spirit. You may also find my colleague Scott Baden’s write-up on Integrity of Scholarship Agreement useful. Violation of the academic honesty policies will result in severe punishment as determined by the university including an F grade in the course. Students should check with the instructor if they have any question regarding the academic honesty policies.
http://disabilities.ucsd.edu | osd@ucsd.edu | 858-534-4382
Any student with a disability is welcome to contact us early in the quarter to work out reasonable accommodations to support their success in this course. Students requesting accommodations for this course due to a disability must provide a current Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter issued by the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD). Students are required to present their AFA letters to faculty and to the OSD Liaison (Ana Lopez, Student Services Advisor, cse-osd@eng.ucsd.edu) in the CSE Department in advance so that accommodations may be arranged.