CSE 222a is a graduate course on computer networks. The continued exponential growth of the Internet has made the network an important part of our everyday lives. Companies use the network to conduct business, doctors to diagnose medical issues, etc. This course will provide a broad understanding of exactly how the network infrastructure supports distributed applications. Topics covered in the course include: Internet routing, software-defined networking, datacenters, content distribution networks, and peer-to-peer systems.
This is a research-oriented course focusing on current and classic papers from the research literature. Further, all students will work on an original research project, culminating in a project writeup and conference-style presentation. In the past, the very best of these course projects have resulted (with additional work) in publication in top conferences.
Prerequisites for the course include a general understanding of computer networks, distributed systems, and operating systems.
Name | Office | Tel | Hours | |
Alex C. Snoeren | snoeren@cs.ucsd.edu | EBU3b 3114 | 822-2289 | Fri 10:00 - 11:00am |
All pop quizzes must be completed individually. All text that you submit must have been authored exclusively by you; any and all quotations of other's text (including the authors of the papers under discussion) must be cited appropriately. You may (and, in fact, are encouraged) to discuss the readings with others, but you may not copy text from the web or another student.
Projects will be group efforts. While you are welcome to incorporate code available elsewhere, any such inclusions should be appropriately declared both within your code and in your final report and presentations.
The end-of-term quiz will be individual effort. You are expected to be aware of UCSD's academic honesty guidelines. The following is an excerpt from the UCSD General Catalog section on Academic Dishonesty:
STUDENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES Students are expected to complete the course in compliance with the instructor’s standards. No student shall engage in any activity that involves attempting to receive a grade by means other than honest effort, for example:The following are additional examples not listed in the General Catalog specific to programming classes:
- No student shall knowingly procure, provide, or accept any materials that contain questions or answers to any examination or assignment to be given at a subsequent time.
- No student shall complete, in part or in total, any examination or assignment for another person.
- No student shall knowingly allow any examination or assignment to be completed, in part or in total, for himself or herself by another person.
- No student shall plagiarize or copy the work of another person and submit it as his or her own work.
- No student shall employ aids excluded by the instructor in undertaking course work.
- No student shall alter graded class assignments or examinations and then resubmit them for regrading.
- No student shall submit substantially the same material in more than one course without prior authorization.
Last updated: 2018-03-13 10:31:57 -0700 [validate xhtml]