module HigherOrder where
import Prelude hiding ((++))
Lets define two functions ...
plus1 :: Int -> Int
plus1 x = x + 1
minus1 :: Int -> Int
minus1 x = x - 1
... we can manipulate functions like ordinary data
aPairOfFuns = (plus1, minus1)
aListOfFuns = [plus1, minus1, plus1, minus1]
aBigListoFuns = replicate 10 plus1 ++ replicate 5 minus1
ghci> :type aBigListoFuns
aBigListoFuns :: [Int -> Int]
Take functions as inputs
Return functions as outputs
doTwice f x = f (f x)
Takes as input
and returns as output
to f
two timesdoTwice f x = f (f x)
Lets run it,
ghc> doTwice plus1 10
ghc> doTwice minus1 100
doTwice f x = f (f x)
doTwice plus1 10
== {- unfold doTwice -}
plus1 (plus1 10)
== {- unfold plus1 -}
plus1 (10 + 1)
== {- unfold plus1 -}
(10 + 1) + 1
== {- old-school arithmetic -}
Instead of writing plus1
, plus2
, plus3
plusn :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
plusn n = f
where f x = x + n
We can now use the above to write
plus2 = plusn 2
plus10 = plusn 10
minus20 = plusn (-20) -- why the parens?
which can be used ...
ghc> plus10 100
ghc> minus20 1000
You can derive the result by substitutions...
plus10 100
== {- unfold plus10 -}
(plusn 10) 100
== {- unfold plusn -}
f 100
where f x = x + 10
== {- unfold f -}
100 + 10
== {- arithmetic -}
and ->
are operators
is an operator on integers->
is an operator on types-
and ->
are operators
is Left-Associative2 - 1 - 1 == (2 - 1) - 1 == 0
is Right-AssociativeInt -> Int -> Int == Int -> (Int -> Int)
plus :: Int -> Int -> Int
plus n x = n + x
Here, plus
actually has type (Haskell hides ugly parens)
plus :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
So plus
, returns a function that ...
, returns the sum of x
and n
plus :: Int -> Int -> Int
plus n x = n + x
plus100 = plus 100
100 + x
ghci> plus100 566
ex1 = doTwice (plus 99)
What is the type of ex1
What is the value of ex1 100
Haskell lets you create functions that have no name
plus 1000
Very useful for functions-that-are-used-once
Create nameless functions with lambda (just a \
\ param -> body
For example, a function that returns 1
more than its input
\x -> x + 1
We can call it, just like any other function
ghci> (\x -> x + 1) 100
ghci> doTwice (\x -> x + 1) 100
Lambda-functions are just values ... so you can name them
plus42 = \x -> x + 42
Lambda-functions are just values ... so you can name them
In general, an old-school equation-style function definition
f x1 x2 ... xn = e
is equivalent to the lambda-style definition
f = \x1 -> \x2 -> ... xn -> e
which can be shortened to
f = \x1 x2 ... xn -> e
To improve readability Haskell lets you use some functions as infix
Any function whose name is surrounded in backticks
Any function defined with parens
Instead of plus 2 10
you can write
ghci> 2 `plus` 10
or, instead of clone "thirty" 3
you can say
ghci> "thirty" `clone` 3
["thirty", "thirty", "thirty"]
For some heavily used functions, convenient to skip the ticks
-- What does this function do?
(++) [] ys = ys
(++) (x:xs) ys = x : (xs ++ ys)
which lets us write
ex2 = [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6]
Quiz: What is the value of ex2
To further improve readability, partially apply infix operators
ghci> doTwice (+1) 0
the list cons operator, is also infix, so...
ex3 = doTwice (0:) [7]
Quiz: what is the value of ex3