> import System
> import System.Environment
> import Data.Maybe
First make a lookup table or association list of characters; each element is a list is a pair of the char and its swizzled version.
That is, we want a list that looks like:
[('a', 't')
,('b', 'h')
,('c', 'e')
,('d', 'q')
,('e', 'u')
, ...
How do we create it?
> makePairs :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
> makePairs [] [] = []
> makePairs (c:cs) (cc:ccs) = (c,cc) : makePairs cs ccs
> code :: [(Char, Char)]
> code = makePairs ['a' .. 'z'] "thequickbrownfxjmpsdvlazyg"
Now, we can use the code
to translate a single character.
So that,
swizzleChar 'a' code == 't' -- 'a' encoded as 't'
swizzleChar 'b' code == 'h' -- 'b' encoded as 'h'
swizzleChar 'λ' code == 'λ' -- non-lower case encoded as itself.
> swizzleChar c code = fromMaybe c (lookup c code)
> foo = bar
> -- data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
It is common for functions to be partial by
on some inputs.
Instead of throwing an exception the more Haskelly solution is:
data Maybe a = Nothing -- failure, no value
| Just a -- success, with a value
Lets rewrite the above recursive swizzleChar
to use Maybe
> findInList x kvs = undefined
QUIZ What is the type of findInList
Now lets rewrite swizzleChar
with findInList
> swizzleChar' c code = findInList c code
QUIZ: Will the above work?
QUIZ: Can you think of a simple way to check that each (lower case) character is in fact mapped to a distinct character, ie that there are no collisions?
To swizzle one line, we will swizzle each character on the line.
> swizzleLine :: String -> String
> swizzleLine [] = []
> swizzleLine (c:cs) = (swizzleChar c) : (swizzleLine cs)
To swizzle a file, we will first reverse the lines in the file and then swizzle each line of the file.
> swizzleContent :: String -> String
> swizzleContent fileString =
> let fileLines = lines fileString
> fileLinesRev = reverse fileLines
> fileLinesRevSwiz = swizzleLines fileLinesRev
> fileStringSwiz = unlines fileLinesRevSwiz
> in fileStringSwiz
where the auxiliary function swizzleLines
simply swizzles the content of each line.
> swizzleLines :: [String] -> [String]
> swizzleLines [] = []
> swizzleLines (l:ls) = (swizzleLine l) : (swizzleLines ls)
Of course, its all very well to manipulate strings, but in the end, the rubber must hit the road. The next function takes a filename as input and returns an action that corresponds to the swizzling of the file.
> (|>) x f = f x
> swizzleFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
> swizzleFile f = do d <- readFile f
> writeFile (f ++ ".swz") (swizzleContent d)
swizMany :: [FilePath] -> IO ()
> swizMany files = map swizzleFile files
> smashActions :: [IO ()] -> IO ()
> smashActions [] = return ()
> smashActions (a:as) = do a
> smashActions as
do act1 act2
Hmm, it would be nice to be able to swizzle many files at one shot.
> swizzleFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO ()
> swizzleFiles [] = return ()
> swizzleFiles (f:fs) = do swizzleFile f
> swizzleFiles fs
Finally, we put it all together.
> main = do files <- getArgs
> swizzleFiles files
Note that except for the very end, the code is completely pure. Merely by inspecting the function’s type we can know that it doesnt so much as breathe on the filesystem. However, as we will see, this code is full of superfluous recursion. In the next version we will eliminate the recursion by spotting and applying the right computation patterns.