CSE230 Wi14 - Homework #1, Due Friday, 1/31/14

Part 0: All About You

Tell us your name, email and student ID, by replacing the respective strings below

> myName  = "Write Your Name  Here"
> myEmail = "Write Your Email Here"
> mySID   = "Write Your SID   Here"


Before starting this assignment:

cd SOE/src
ghci Draw.lhs
*Draw> main0

You should see a window with some shapes in it.

NOTE: If you have trouble installing SOE, see this page

  1. Download the required files for this assignment: hw1.tar.gz. Unpack the files and make sure that you can successfully run the main program (in Main.hs). We’ve provided a Makefile, which you can use if you like. You should see this output:
Main: Define me!

Haskell Formalities

We declare that this is the Hw1 module and import some libraries:

> module Hw1 where
> import SOE
> import Play
> import XMLTypes

Part 1: Defining and Manipulating Shapes

You will write all of your code in the hw1.lhs file, in the spaces indicated. Do not alter the type annotations — your code must typecheck with these types to be accepted.

The following are the definitions of shapes:

> data Shape = Rectangle Side Side
>            | Ellipse Radius Radius
>            | RtTriangle Side Side
>            | Polygon [Vertex]
>            deriving Show
> type Radius = Float 
> type Side   = Float
> type Vertex = (Float, Float)
  1. Below, define functions rectangle and rtTriangle as suggested at the end of Section 2.1 (Exercise 2.1). Each should return a Shape built with the Polygon constructor.
> rectangle :: Side -> Side -> Shape
> rectangle = error "Define me!" 
> rtTriangle :: Side -> Side -> Shape
> rtTriangle = error "Define me!" 
  1. Define a function
> sides :: Shape -> Int
> sides = error "Define me!"

which returns the number of sides a given shape has. For the purposes of this exercise, an ellipse has 42 sides, and empty polygons, single points, and lines have zero sides.

  1. Define a function
> bigger :: Shape -> Float -> Shape
> bigger = error "Define me!"

that takes a shape s and expansion factor e and returns a shape which is the same as (i.e., similar to in the geometric sense) s but whose area is e times the area of s.

  1. The Towers of Hanoi is a puzzle where you are given three pegs, on one of which are stacked n discs in increasing order of size. To solve the puzzle, you must move all the discs from the starting peg to another by moving only one disc at a time and never stacking a larger disc on top of a smaller one.

To move n discs from peg a to peg b using peg c as temporary storage:

  1. Move n − 1 discs from peg a to peg c.
  2. Move the remaining disc from peg a to peg b.
  3. Move n − 1 discs from peg c to peg b.

Write a function

> hanoi :: Int -> String -> String -> String -> IO ()
> hanoi = error "Define me!"

that, given the number of discs n and peg names a, b, and c, where a is the starting peg, emits the series of moves required to solve the puzzle. For example, running hanoi 2 "a" "b" "c"

should emit the text

move disc from a to c
move disc from a to b
move disc from c to b

Part 2: Drawing Fractals

  1. The Sierpinski Carpet is a recursive figure with a structure similar to the Sierpinski Triangle discussed in Chapter 3:
Sierpinski Carpet

Sierpinski Carpet

Write a function sierpinskiCarpet that displays this figure on the screen:

> sierpinskiCarpet :: IO ()
> sierpinskiCarpet = error "Define me!"

Note that you either need to run your program in SOE/src or add this path to GHC’s search path via -i/path/to/SOE/src/. Also, the organization of SOE has changed a bit, so that now you use import SOE instead of import SOEGraphics.

  1. Write a function myFractal which draws a fractal pattern of your own design. Be creative! The only constraint is that it shows some pattern of recursive self-similarity.
> myFractal :: IO ()
> myFractal = error "Define me!"

Part 3: Recursion Etc.

First, a warmup. Fill in the implementations for the following functions.

(Your maxList and minList functions may assume that the lists they are passed contain at least one element.)

Write a non-recursive function to compute the length of a list

> lengthNonRecursive :: [a] -> Int
> lengthNonRecursive = error "Define me!"

doubleEach [1,20,300,4000] should return [2,40,600,8000]

> doubleEach :: [Int] -> [Int]
> doubleEach = error "Define me!"

Now write a non-recursive version of the above.

> doubleEachNonRecursive :: [Int] -> [Int]
> doubleEachNonRecursive = error "Define me!"

pairAndOne [1,20,300] should return [(1,2), (20,21), (300,301)]

> pairAndOne :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
> pairAndOne = error "Define me!"

Now write a non-recursive version of the above.

> pairAndOneNonRecursive :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
> pairAndOneNonRecursive = error "Define me!"

addEachPair [(1,2), (20,21), (300,301)] should return [3,41,601]

> addEachPair :: [(Int, Int)] -> [Int]
> addEachPair = error "Define me!" 

Now write a non-recursive version of the above.

> addEachPairNonRecursive :: [(Int, Int)] -> [Int]
> addEachPairNonRecursive = error "Define me!" 

minList should return the smallest value in the list. You may assume the input list is non-empty.

> minList :: [Int] -> Int
> minList = error "Define me!"

Now write a non-recursive version of the above.

> minListNonRecursive :: [Int] -> Int
> minListNonRecursive = error "Define me!"

maxList should return the largest value in the list. You may assume the input list is non-empty.

> maxList :: [Int] -> Int
> maxList = error "Define me!"

Now write a non-recursive version of the above.

> maxListNonRecursive :: [Int] -> Int
> maxListNonRecursive = error "Define me!"

Now, a few functions for this Tree type.

> data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
>               deriving (Show, Eq)

fringe t should return a list of all the values occurring as a Leaf. So: fringe (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)) should return [1,2]

> fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
> fringe = error "Define me!"

treeSize should return the number of leaves in the tree. So: treeSize (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)) should return 2.

> treeSize :: Tree a -> Int
> treeSize = error "Define me!"

treeSize should return the height of the tree. So: height (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)) should return 1.

> treeHeight :: Tree a -> Int
> treeHeight = error "Define me!"

Now, a tree where the values live at the nodes not the leaf.

> data InternalTree a = ILeaf | IBranch a (InternalTree a) (InternalTree a)
>                       deriving (Show, Eq)

takeTree n t should cut off the tree at depth n. So takeTree 1 (IBranch 1 (IBranch 2 ILeaf ILeaf) (IBranch 3 ILeaf ILeaf))) should return IBranch 1 ILeaf ILeaf.

> takeTree :: Int -> InternalTree a -> InternalTree a
> takeTree = error "Define me!"

takeTreeWhile p t should cut of the tree at the nodes that don’t satisfy p. So: takeTreeWhile (< 3) (IBranch 1 (IBranch 2 ILeaf ILeaf) (IBranch 3 ILeaf ILeaf))) should return (IBranch 1 (IBranch 2 ILeaf ILeaf) ILeaf).

> takeTreeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> InternalTree a -> InternalTree a
> takeTreeWhile = error "Define me!"

Write the function map in terms of foldr:

> myMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
> myMap = error "Define me!"

Part 4: Transforming XML Documents

The rest of this assignment involves transforming XML documents. To keep things simple, we will not deal with the full generality of XML, or with issues of parsing. Instead, we will represent XML documents as instances of the following simplified type:

data SimpleXML =
   PCDATA String
 | Element ElementName [SimpleXML]
 deriving Show

type ElementName = String

That is, a SimpleXML value is either a PCDATA (“parsed character data”) node containing a string or else an Element node containing a tag and a list of sub-nodes.

The file Play.hs contains a sample XML value. To avoid getting into details of parsing actual XML concrete syntax, we’ll work with just this one value for purposes of this assignment. The XML value in Play.hs has the following structure (in standard XML syntax):

    ... -- MORE PERSONAE
        ... -- MORE LINES
      ... -- MORE SPEECHES
    ... -- MORE SCENES
  ... -- MORE ACTS
    <h1>TITLE OF THE PLAY</h1>
    <h2>Dramatis Personae</h2>

You will write a function formatPlay that converts an XML structure representing a play to another XML structure that, when printed, yields the HTML specified above (but with no whitespace except what’s in the textual data in the original XML).

> formatPlay :: SimpleXML -> SimpleXML
> formatPlay xml = PCDATA "WRITE ME!"

The main action that we’ve provided below will use your function to generate a file dream.html from the sample play. The contents of this file after your program runs must be character-for-character identical to sample.html.

> mainXML = do writeFile "dream.html" $ xml2string $ formatPlay play
>              testResults "dream.html" "sample.html"
> firstDiff :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe ([a],[a])
> firstDiff [] [] = Nothing
> firstDiff (c:cs) (d:ds) 
>      | c==d = firstDiff cs ds 
>      | otherwise = Just (c:cs, d:ds)
> firstDiff cs ds = Just (cs,ds)
> testResults :: String -> String -> IO ()
> testResults file1 file2 = do 
>   f1 <- readFile file1
>   f2 <- readFile file2
>   case firstDiff f1 f2 of
>     Nothing -> do
>       putStr "Success!\n"
>     Just (cs,ds) -> do
>       putStr "Results differ: '"
>       putStr (take 20 cs)
>       putStr "' vs '"
>       putStr (take 20 ds)
>       putStr "'\n"

Important: The purpose of this assignment is not just to “get the job done” — i.e., to produce the right HTML. A more important goal is to think about what is a good way to do this job, and jobs like it. To this end, your solution should be organized into two parts:

  1. a collection of generic functions for transforming XML structures that have nothing to do with plays, plus

  2. a short piece of code (a single definition or a collection of short definitions) that uses the generic functions to do the particular job of transforming a play into HTML.

Obviously, there are many ways to do the first part. The main challenge of the assignment is to find a clean design that matches the needs of the second part.

You will be graded not only on correctness (producing the required output), but also on the elegance of your solution and the clarity and readability of your code and documentation. Style counts. It is strongly recommended that you rewrite this part of the assignment a couple of times: get something working, then step back and see if there is anything you can abstract out or generalize, rewrite it, then leave it alone for a few hours or overnight and rewrite it again. Try to use some of the higher-order programming techniques we’ve been discussing in class.

Submission Instructions


This homework is essentially Homeworks 1 & 2 from UPenn’s CIS 552.