CSE 120: Principles of Operating Systems (Winter 2013)
Lecture and Discussion Times
Teaching Assistants
Ketan Supanekar
(email: ksupanek -AT- eng.ucsd.edu)
Boxiang Pan
(email: bopan -AT- ucsd.edu)
Vijay Venkataraman
(email: v2venkat -AT- eng.ucsd.edu)
Haronid Moncivais Miller
Benjamin Lei
Suman Malani
Gabriela Ponce
The course is completed. Best wishes with your future studies at UCSD.
If you wish to view your final exam, you can do so on Monday, April 15, 1-1:30 or 3-3:30. However, you MUST send me an email to make an appointment for a particular time (1:00-1:15, 1:15-1:30, 3:00-3:15, 3:15-3:30).
This is an introductory course on the principles of operating systems.
Topics include processes, scheduling, synchronization, memory management,
virtual memory, file systems, I/O, protection, security, networking,
and distributed systems.
There is a significant systems programming component to the course,
where students are required to design and implement some basic kernel
functions (context switching, scheduling, synchronization) and
a user-level thread package.
The course is organized of the following:
Lectures: the lectures comprise the core material, and are based
on the instructor's lecture notes that are provided to the students
Discussion: the discussion sections are led by the TA, and may be
organized as discussions on specific topics or question/answer sessions
Readings: the readings in the textbook supplement the lecture notes
Labs: there are four lab programming assignments (in C)
using Umix, a Unix-based user-mode operating system
Exams: there is a midterm exam and a final exam (both closed-book)
covering the material in the lectures and the labs
The notes for each lecture will be posted here one day prior to that lecture's class.
Jan 7: Introduction
Jan 9: Processes - Context-Switching
Jan 14: Processes - Time-Sharing
Jan 16: Scheduling
Jan 23: Synchronization
Jan 28: Inter-Process Communication
Jan 30: Deadlock
Feb 4: Midterm - no lecture
Feb 6: Memory Management
Feb 11: Logical Memory
Feb 13: Virtual Memory
Feb 20: File System
Feb 25: Input/Output System
Feb 27: Protection
Mar 4: Security
Mar 6: Networks
Mar 11: Distributed Systems
Mar 13: Review
Programming Assignments
30% Midterm exam (Mon, Feb 4)
40% Final exam (Section A: Wed, Mar 20, 7:00pm-10:00pm, Center 214; Section B: Mon, Mar 18, 7:00pm-10:00pm, Center 214)
30% Programming assignments (four, each worth: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%)
Lecture notes (available on this page, see above)
Textbook: Operating System Concepts, 9th Ed., by Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne; Wiley, 2013 (8th ed. is also ok)