CSE 141L -- Computer Architecture Lab

Winter 2010, Instructor: Dean Tullsen


Xilinx/Verilog Review, 6:30 pm in CSE 4140, January 19.

Related Web Pages:

Lab Assignments

(CSE 141 home page)

There will be a web board for this class, soon. It's a good place to go to look for partners.

Basic Course Information:

  • Instructor: Dean Tullsen
  • TA: Subhra Mazumdar
  • Meeting time and place
  • Course textbooks and tools
  • There is no textbook for the class, but you will find the CSE 141 textbook helpful in many ways during the lab
  • Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design -- The Hardware/Software Interface", Morgan Kaufmann, Fourth Edition
  • The lab will utilize, for some of the lab assignments, the Xilinx ISE Webpack tools. You can dowload a free version of the 11.1 tools from Xilinx here.
  • Other recommended reading


    Mailing List

    The class mailing list will be used by the instructor and the TAs for announcements, etc. All students will be held responsible for announcements and information that go out over the class mailing list. Make sure you are on it. Go here to subscribe to the list.

    Grading Information:



    Xilinx and Verilog Resources:

    Xilinx Schematics tutorial from cse140L Summer 2007

    Xilinx Verliog/VHDL tutorial from cse140L Summer 2007

    Verilog Overview/tutorial by Sat Garcia

    Verilog Fundamentals by Krste Asanovic at MIT

    Verilog Design Examples by Krste Asanovic at MIT (synthesis friendly)

    At some point, we will attempt to synthesize our circuits (e.g., to extract timing). These resources were selected because they should all be synthesis friendly. Many tutorials and verilog code available on the internet are not.

    Lab resources:

    If you have comments or suggestions, email me at tullsen at cs dot ucsd dot edu