CSE 141L -- Computer Architecture Lab
Winter 2010, Instructor: Dean Tullsen
Xilinx/Verilog Review, 6:30 pm in CSE 4140, January 19.
Related Web Pages:
141 home page)
There will be a web board for this class, soon. It's a good place to go to look for partners.
Basic Course Information:
Instructor: Dean
- CSE 3216
- tullsen at cs dot ucsd dot edu
- office hours: M 2-3, Wed 11-12 (glad to add more if this is not sufficient)
TA: Subhra Mazumdar
- office hours: W 4-5, Th 4-5, F 11-12
- room: B240A
- smazumdar at cs dot ucsd dot edu
Meeting time and place
Course textbooks and tools
There is no textbook for the class, but you will
find the CSE 141 textbook helpful in many ways during the lab
Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization
and Design -- The Hardware/Software Interface", Morgan Kaufmann, Fourth
The lab will utilize, for some of the lab assignments,
the Xilinx ISE Webpack tools.
You can dowload a free version of the 11.1 tools from Xilinx here.
Other recommended reading
- Hennesy & Patterson, "Computer Architecture:
A Quantitative Approach", 4th edition, Morgan Kaufmann -- a more advanced treatment of many of the same topics
in the textbook
- WWW Computer
Architecture Home Page -- a comprehensive guide to research and general information
on computer architecture available on the web.
Labs will typically be due two weeks after they are
Mailing List
The class mailing list will be
used by the instructor and the TAs for announcements, etc. All students
will be held responsible for announcements and information that go out
over the class mailing list. Make sure you are on it. Go
to subscribe to the list.
Grading Information:
- The grade for 141L will be based primarily on 4 lab
reports. I expect that most students will complete the lab assignments
as specified; thus, the quality of the lab reports will likely be the most
important factor in determining grades. Attendance will also be factored
into grades (in a major way) somehow.
- Late assignments are not encouraged. All lab reports
are due at the beginning of class on Friday. Anything else is considered
late. You will have one grace weekend during the quarter. I.e., you
can turn one assignment in late, as long as it is in my office (under the
door) before 9 a.m. on Monday. I recommend not spending that grace time
frivolously early in the quarter. After you have spent your grace days,
late assignments will be accepted, but with significant penalties. We will
make every effort to return assignments to you in a timely manner -- limiting
your ability to turn things in late is, unfortunately, critical to that
- All 4 lab reports are required. You must do
a credible job on each to pass the class.
- We will use gradesource to record lab grades. This will not be a tool to estimate your final grade, etc. It is only there so you can check that we have entered your grades correctly. Please do so -- we don't want to make mistakes.
Cheating WILL be taken seriously. It is not fair
to honest students to take cheating lightly, nor is it fair to the cheater
to let him/her go on thinking that is a reasonable alternative in life.
Don't test me on this one.
The following is not considered cheating:
- discussing the tools or logic design techniques
with other groups.
The following is:
-Copying lab designs from someone who is not
your partner, or lab report text from anyone.
-Viewing lab designs or lab reports from
anyone who is not your partner, including those who have taken the class
in previous years.
-Altering timing data produced by Xilinx, e.g.
to make a non-working design appear to be working.
- Penalties -- anyone copying information or having
information copied on a lab, or any other violation of class policy,
will receive an F in the class and will not
be allowed to drop. They will be reported to their college dean.
If you can prove non-cooperative copying took place, your grade may be
restored, but you must prove it to the dean -- I don't want to be involved.
- There will be 4 lab assignments. Each will require
a written report. There will be no midterms or finals associated with this
class. The final grade will be determined by the quality of the lab reports
and the completeness and quality of the lab work (as demonstrated in the
- Some but not all of the labs will require the Xilinx
tools, which everyone should be familiar with. If you are not, you must take some time the first two weeks to familiarize yourself with it. After that, it will be too late -- you need to be ready to run at that point.
- Most (but not all) of the labs can be done in groups
of 1 to 3. Lab reports are to be done collaboratively with your fellow
group members, except when specifically instructed otherwise. Changing,
splitting, merging of groups is only to be done with the permission of
the instructor, and such permission is typically not given.
Xilinx and Verilog Resources:
Xilinx Schematics tutorial from cse140L Summer 2007
Xilinx Verliog/VHDL tutorial from cse140L Summer 2007
Verilog Overview/tutorial by Sat Garcia
Verilog Fundamentals by Krste Asanovic at MIT
Verilog Design Examples by Krste Asanovic at MIT (synthesis friendly)
At some point, we will attempt to synthesize our circuits (e.g., to extract timing). These resources were selected because they should all be synthesis friendly. Many tutorials and verilog code available on the internet are not.
Lab resources:
- Xilinx Foundation tools are available in CSE B240 and CSE B250. Not sure what version or how up to date. If you go and find out, please let me know.
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at
tullsen at cs dot ucsd dot edu