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Architecture and Implementation

CSE 121 Winter 2010

Alex C. Snoeren
Lecture: T/TH 12:30-1:50pm Center 201
Discussion: F 11:00-11:50am Center 203 (only when announced)

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CSE121 builds on the material covered in CSE 120, Principles of Computer Operating Systems. We will revisit the major themes of the prior course, such as file systems, memory systems, concurrency, and communications. This time through, however, we'll concentrate more on the tension between the specification of the system and the properties of the environment upon which the system is built. We'll use Unix as a case study, but we'll also look at other systems, including those that are just now being developed in research laboratories and universities.

Prereqs: CSE 100, CSE 120, and CSE 141, or their equivalent, and programming experience with C for the term project.

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