CSE 259 (Winter 2009)
AI Lunch Seminar

Fridays 12-1, Building EBU3, Room 4140

Date Speaker Title
1/5 Roger Levy Modeling the effects of memory on human online sentence processing with particle filters
1/12 Boris Bobenko Multiple instance learning with query bags
1/19 MLK Holiday n/a
1/26 Jake Whitehill and Paul Ruvolo Whose vote should count more? Optimal integration of image labels from labelers of unknown expertise.
2/2 Jie Cheng

Gabe Doyle

Sunhyoung Han

Daniel Hsu
Perceptron training of CD-HMMs

Accounting for burstiness in topic models

Learning discriminant features

A spectral algorithm for learning HMMs
2/9 Evan Ettinger The automatic cameraman project
2/16 President's Day n/a
2/23 Honghao Shan Soft binary coding
3/2 Justin Ma Detecting malicious web sites from the features of suspicious URLs
3/9 Bharath Kumar Embeddings in Hilbert spaces