Course Information
- Description: This is a first course in discrete
mathematics. In addition to introducing basic topics such as
logic, sets, relations, functions, and introductory number theory, this
course introduces students to writing formal proofs. The goal is
to build proficiency with basic proof techniques, including induction.
- Lecture: Tu/Th 3:30pm-4:50pm, Center 216 (map)
- Instructor: Claire
Monteleoni, cmontel 'at' Office hours: Mon March
2-4pm, CSE Building
(EBU3B) Rm 4222.
- Discussion sections: worked
problem sessions. Fri 10am, Center 105, and Fri 4pm, WLH 2111.
- Teaching Assistant: Peng Du, pedu 'at' Office
hours: Mon 4-6pm, CSE Building (EBU3B) Rm B250A.
- Teaching Assistant: Brian
McFee, bmcfee 'at' Office hours: Mon March 17th,
12-2pm. Tu 10am-noon,
Building (EBU3B) Rm B250A.
- Textbook: Susanna S. Epp, Discrete Mathematics with
Applications, 3rd Edition.
- Grading: 25% Quizzes (there will be 8 brief quizzes on the homework; one will be dropped from
your grade), 30% Midterm Exam, 45% Final Exam.
- The Final Exam is Tu, Mar 18th, 3pm-5:59pm, Center 216.
- There are copies of the textbook on reserve at
the Science
and Engineering Library (in Geisel). The 2nd edition (available
online for
very little) may be used instead, though homework will be assigned from
the 3rd. You may find Bender & Williamson's text A Short
Course in Discrete Mathematics helpful as well (available free online).
- The two discussion sections are now finalized. See above
for the times. Note: only the afternoon one changed (to
4pm). The 10am one remains unchanged.
- Problems from section have been
posted. If you missed section, you can go over more thorough
solutions in office hours.
- The quiz solutions have been posted, under homework. Quizzes will be handed back
in section.
- Instructions on how to view your quiz scores on
have been emailed to you. If you did not receive an email, please
contact us (several of your email addresses did not work).
- NOTE: the textbook may contain errors. The errata list can
be found here.
- There is a Midterm Exam on Tuesday, Feb. 12th, during
class. No calculators or books are allowed, but you may bring one
page (8.5x11 inches) with notes on both sides.
- Section attendance is strongly encouraged this week (Fri Feb.
8th), as it will cover induction, which is on the Midterm.
- You may pick up your graded quizzes in section, and office hours.
- Here is the solved midterm from
Summer 2007. NOTE: our exam will additionally cover induction.
- Solutions to the midterm are up on
the homework page. Brian will cover
the solutions in section on 2/15, and you
can pick up your graded exam
- NOTE: homework for 2/18 has been
shortened. Review induction as well.
- NOTE: Quiz 5 is currently (2/20) being re-graded for the whole class, so
check your grade again at the end of the week. Many people still
have confusion on how to do an inductive proof. Please study the solutions.
- *NOTE*: The Final Exam is Tu, Mar 18th, 3pm-5:59pm, Center
216. This is in the normal lecture location, but starting a half
hour *earlier* than the normal lecture time. No calculators or
books are allowed, but you may bring one
page (8.5x11 inches) with notes on both sides.
- Here (solutions)
are two (2) practice final exams (solutions). We
will go over some of
the solutions in lecture and section on Thursday and Friday.
- We will have extra office hours on Monday 3/17. There will
be office hours from 12pm to 6pm, see above for details.
- Here is a review sheet to aid in
your reviewing. It might not cover everything; you are
responsible for all reading on the schedule
- Solutions to the final exam.