Circle the correct answer. Graded as follows: Correct 3 points; no answer, incorrect answer (or more than one answer) 0 point. No negative points. Answer with the ONE BEST answer. Do not mark more than one answer for a question.
a. typically stores data as zeros and one.
b. typically runs on electricity.
c. it is a digital computer only if it uses the metric system
c. may or may not mean the same thing depending on what browser is used.t
a. the address of a site on the Internet.
b. numbers separated by dots (periods).
c. serves as a name for your computer when e-mail is sent to your computer.
b. should end in .html (or .htm).
c. can be changed using a text editor.
a. can transmit more
data per second than a low bandwidth connection.
b. can transmit less data per second than a low bandwidth connection.
c. is a connection that goes through a satellite link.
d. is a connection that uses a telephone line.
c. an animated character
that represents some person.
d. is a carton to keep you amused while your computer searches for data.
a. is the same thing as a text processor.
b. typically stores
fonts and other stuff as well as text.
c. has a size measured in bytes.
a. might be shipped as lot of small pieces of data.
b. can potentially take different routes from its source to its destination.
c. almost always gets to its destination faster than a regular post office type of letter.
b. base their searches on keywords.
c. have two main components called a crawler and a query processor .
b. a meta search engine that is used to search the Internet.