The entire exam is worth 140 points.
Multiple choice:_____________________________________________
Circle the correct answer. Graded as follows: Correct 3 points; no answer, incorrect answer (or more than one answer) 0 point. No negative points. Answer with the ONE BEST answer. Do not mark more than one answer for a question.
c. may or may not mean the same thing depending on what browser is used.
c. has a size measured in bytes.
a. a single digit which is either zero or one
c. the smallest area of a monitor screen on which the computer can write,
b. another term that means operating system.
c. another term for programs of any sort,
d. used as another term for all of the above.
a. might be shipped as lots of small pieces of data.
b. can potentially take different routes from its source to its destination.
c. almost always gets to its destination faster than a regular post office type of letter.
b. base their searches on keywords.
c. have two main components called a crawler and a query processor .
b. a label on a column of a table.
a. is a very direct way to change the value of a variable.
b. in JavaScript is written using an equals sign (among other things).
c. always involves a variable.
c. what other websites have links to it.
b.part of what makes a webpage dynamic
c.something that invokes (calls) a function a small program that has been given a name.
c. a function call or invocation.
a. display a button with "Push" written on it.
b.display a window with "Push" written on it.
a. display a text field with "sam" written in it.
b. display a button with "sam" written on it.
c. display a blank text field.
d. is not a correctly written form,
d. You do not place a function definition in an HTML page.
a. information left on your computer by a web server.
b.another name for the processor in a computer.
c.the part of your browser that runs JavaScript programs.
a. is used by a web search engine (like Google) to search for data.
b. is a program that (among other things) makes copies of itself.
c. can only be transmitted via an e-mail message.
a. is an instruction to repeatedly execute a list of statements.
b.might begin with the word while .
c. might begin with the word for
a. a key used in encryption/decryption is allowed to be publicly known.
b. allows the message to be public but the key is a actually a secrete.
a. is supposed to show that computers can think. supposed to show that computers cannot think.
c. is supposed to show that computers can have emotions.
d. is supposed to show that computers cannot have emotions.
a. but, the program requires a computer with a nuclear power source.
b but, the program takes so long to finish that it is not practical.
c.but, the answer output is written in Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Short Answer Questions: Although each question has lots of room for an answer, the answers are all short and do not need all that much room.
<script language="JavaScript">
var count = 7;
var score = 5;
if (count <= 5)
score = count*2;
(Hint: the answer is very short. If you write more than about five sentences, you are saying too much.)