March 10, 2004 Notice for the Final
Regular Final Time: Friday of Finals Week, 11:30a-1:00p, WLH 2005
Last Lecture section, This Thursday, March 11 in normal lecture room
You should have signed up for one of these two times in your lab
Closed book, but you may have notes on a 5x8 card
March 1, 2004 Notice for the Final
You have a choice of two times for taking the final:
1.) Regular time, Friday of finals week 11:30am
2.) Last lecture section, Thursday March 11
You must make your choice of times in your lab section this week.Feb 13, 2004 Quizzes will not necessarily be at the end of the lecture period; they may be at any time during the period.
Remember to bring your picture ID to lecture; you may not be allowed to run back and get it.
Read the labs ahead of time to familiarize yourself with the lab; otherwise, you may not have time to finish.
Check the readings and labs page to get the readings that are to be read by Feb 17 (Tuesday).Feb 5, 2004 Notice for the Midterm. The total score was not out of 115, but only out of 100. January 29, 2004 Midterm information: Closed Book, but 1 notecard is allowed (5x8). Again, the location of the midterm is in Mandeville Auditorium next Tuesday. Make sure you have read the required reading. January 25, 2004 The midterm is at the regular lecture time Tuesday February 3.
NOTE LOCATION CHANGE: The midterm will be given in Mandeville Aud 2/3/04, 12:30-1:50pm.
Closed book. Covers all material in all lectures, labs, and required reading.
(Remember there is both required and suggested reading. Suggested reading is not covered except in so far as it repeats the other material.)January 24, 2004 The Discussion Section will be extended for one more session to cover a review for the Midterm. Please come if you have any questions. Friday, 8-9am. January 20, 2004 The class lecture will meeting on Thursday, Jan 22, will be in the regular lecture room--NOT IN CLICS!!! January 19, 2004 Reading Assignments have been posted. Please check out the Labs and Readings. January 19, 2004 The Midterm date has been changed. The date will be either Tuesday, Feb 3 or Thursday, Feb 5. January 11, 2004 The first lab has been posted... Check it out here January 11, 2004 Office Hours have been updated... make sure you see the updates January 6, 2004 Welcome to CSE 3... please check this page often :)