CSE 291 K00
Topics in Mobile Networking
Term Projects
12:30pm Energy Conservation for Ad Hoc Routing Protocols
Eric Lin and Erik Vandekieft
1:15pm Energy Efficient TCP/IP over 802.11
Abhishek Agrawal, Yuchung Cheng, and Alper T. Mizrak
2:00pm Priority Routing in Ad Hoc Networks with Self-Interested Parties
Barath Raghavan
2:45pm Video Encryption for Low-Powered Mobile Devices
Richard Huang and Rahul Lahoti
3:30pm Possible Application of XCP in Ad Hoc Networks
John Lynn and Eric Hall
4:15pm Investigating Performance and Optimizations in Session Continuations
Debashis Panigrahi and Soubhik Mukhopadhyay