Instructor: Paul Ruvolo (, office EBU3B - 2106

TA: Wensong "Tony" Xu (

Tutors: Ivan Tham ( and Susan Liu (


We will be using a freely available electronic textbook by Edward A. Bender and S. Gill Williamson. The book is available as four pdf documents:

Basic Counting and Listing


Decision Trees

Basic Concepts in Graph Theory


Grades will be made available on gradesource as soon as possible

Lectures - I will be using a combination of powerpoint as well as chalkboard derivations to illustrate the concepts in the course. Before each class a pdf copy of the notes for the next day's lecture will be posted to the website. I will bring printed copies of the lecture slides for every member of the class. If you miss a lecture you can either get it from a friend or else pick one up from a box outside of my office. The format of the lectures will be a mix of traditional lecture and interactive solving of problems by members of the class. While solving these problems in class is optional, I encourage you to engage with the in class problems as it will make the homework problems much easier.

Discussion board: we will be using moodle as a way for students to help each other in the course. Here is a link to the moodle page for the course.

Academic Integrity - Don't cheat.

Section: Monday 3:30-4:20pm (Peterson 102) and Wednesday 1-1:50pm (CSB 005)

Office Hours:

Midterm. You will be allowed 1 8.5" by 11" sheet of paper (front and back, hand written) for notes. You will have to turn this in with your test. Here is the midterm and solutions from Spring 2011 Course for practice. You can also take this practice final (with solutions here). The material in Questions #3, 5, 8, 9, 10 you should be able to do for the midterm.

Here is a link to the notes from the review session that Susan and Ivan ran.

Final. You will be allowed 1 8.5" by 11" sheet of paper (front and back, hand written) for notes. You will have to turn this in with your test. Here is a study guide that I am in the process of preparing for the final (it is still a work in progress any suggestions are welcome). Here is the study guide with the solutions removed from the example problems.

This is a tentative class schedule for the course. Dates are subject to change a bit.

Class #DateNotesReading
1Monday August 1, 2011Lists with RepetitionCL Section 1
2Tuesday August 2, 2011Lists without RepetitionCL Section 1
3Wednesday August 3, 2011Sets Lecture 1CL Section 2
4Thursday August 4, 2011Sets Lecture 2 (inclusion exclusion) - Homework 1 Due Friday at 2pm (Solutions)CL Section 2 and 3
5Monday August 8, 2011Inclusion Exclusion and Stirling Numbers, and Proofs by Double CountingCL Section 3 and 4
6Tuesday August 9, 2011Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind, Proofs by Double Counting, Functions Lecture 1Fn Section 1
7Wednesday August 10, 2011Functions Lecture 2Fn Section 2
8Thursday August 11, 2011Orders of Permutations and Multichoose - Homework 2 (Solutions)Fn Section 2
9Monday August 15, 2011Intro to ProbabilityCL Section 4
10Tuesday August 16, 2011Conditional Probability, Decision Trees, Bayes' Rule (this is the last lecture you need to study for the midterm)
11Wednesday August 17, 2011Bayes' Rule and Random VariablesFn Section 4
12Thursday August 18, 2011Midterm (solutions)- Homework 3 (solutions)
13Monday August 22, 2011Expected Value and Linearity of Expectations
14Tuesday August 23, 2011Variance of a Random Variable, Intro to InductionFn Section 4, DT Section 4
15Wednesday August 24, 2011Review of Random VariablesFn Section 4
16Thursday August 25, 2011Inductive Proofs - Homework 4 (new HW solutions). Old homework is here (old solutions solutions)DT Section 4
17Monday August 29, 2011Constructing Recurrence RelationsDT Section 4
18Tuesday August 30, 2011Second-Order Linear Recurrence, intro to Recursion and ProbabilityDT Section 4
19Wednesday August 31, 2011Recursion and Probability
20Thursday September 1, 2011Review for Final
21Friday Septebember 2, 2011Final Exam Homework 5 solutions

Miscellaneous: Matlab code to enumerate all permutations of a listt of elements with the specified number of repeats for each unique element. Also included is code to solve problem HW1 2.c