CSE 141L: Computer Architecture Lab (Summer 2011)
Instructor: Sat Garcia
Welcome to CSE 141L!
All Course materials will be on moodle this quarter. Please go to
csemoodle.ucsd.edu and login.
If you are unable to login (after July 31):
- Make sure you are enrolled in the class. With a compressed summer
quarter, it will be nearly impossible to catch up if you enroll even late
in the first week. You will want to register as soon as possible to avoid
falling behind.
- If you
are an extension student (from another university, professional, high
school student, etc.) make sure you register for an active directory
account first. You can register here. If you have
issues registering your active directory account, please contact ACMS.
- After
registering for the class and registering (if necessary) for an active
directory account, please e-mail Greg, one of our excellent TA's, at
Basic Course Information:
- Instructor: Sat Garcia
- Office: TBA
- email: sat@cs.ucsd.edu
- Office Hours: Tue 11a-Noon, Thurs 1-2p, by appointment
- Meeting times and places
- Lecture: MW: 2:00-4:50pm in Peterson 104
- Lab Section: Fri 1-1:50pm in CSE (EBU3b) 2154
- Suggested materials
- Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design -- The Hardware/Software
Interface", Morgan Kaufmann, Fourth Edition