Discrete mathematics - summer 2007

[course info] [schedule] [homework]

Announcements Administrative info

The primary goal of this course is to get you comfortable reading and writing proofs. We will cover the basics of logic and the fundamental mathematical structures used ubiquitously in computer science and elsewhere.

We strongly encourage attendence at discussion sections and lectures. The topics we cover require alot of practice, so much of the class time will be spent working together on problems.

instructor: Lawrence Cayton
office hours: tu/th 3-4 in B275 of the CSE building (ebu3b)
teaching assistant: Scott Yilek
office hours: m 11am-12pm, w 5:30pm-6:30pm in B240A of CSE building (ebu3b)

time & place (ucsd maps)
Lectures: Warren lecture hall (WLH) 2112; Tu/Th 11-1:50
Discussion sections: WLH 2113; M/W 4-5:20

Susanna Epp, Discrete mathematics with applications, 3rd ed. There is a copy on reserve at the social sciences and humanities library (the main one inside Geisel). The 2nd edition (available online for very little) may be used instead, though homework will be assigned from the 3rd. You may find Bender & Williamson's text A short course in discrete mathematics helpful as well (available online).

10% final, 40% better midterm score, 30% worse midterm score, 20% quizzes. You are allowed a 8-1/2 by 11 double-sided sheet of notes for both exams, but not the quizzes. Quizzes will be given each Monday during discussion section.