CSE 140 Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems Summer 2007 |
Announcements |
8/3 - Professor Chu will hold extra office hours on Saturday (Aug 4) from 1-3p (right before the exam). He will be at the price center, either at Roma Cafe (if it is open) or outside (if Roma isn't open). 8/2 - Sat will be having extra office hours on Friday (Aug. 3) from 10a-12n to help you prepare for the final exam. It will be in room B225 of the CSE building. 7/31 - Professor Chu will start the office hours today at 4pm instead of 3:30pm (a little later then usual due to travel plans) 7/8 - Professor Chu will be holding his office hours at Roma Espresso inside the Price Center 7/8 - Please bring a blue book to the midterm exam on Thursday. 6/28 - Office hours will start on the second week. |
Class |
Tu & Thu 5:00pm - 7:50pm, WLH 2113
Course |
The objective of this course is to introduce digital components and digital systems designs
Textbook |
Required. "Contemporary Logic Design", Randy H. Katz & Gaetano Borriello, 2nd edition, 2005, Prentice Hall
Instructor |
Isaac Chu, UCSD Guest Lecturer, Systems Architect ichu@ece.ucsd.edu Office hours: @ EBU3b (CSE) 2116 Tuesday 3:30-5pm Thursday 3:30-5pm Friday 4-5:30pm |
T.A. |
Saturnino Garcia sat@cs.ucsd (you know the rest) Office hours: @ EBU3b (CSE) B225 Monday 2-4pm Wednesday 2:30-4:30pm |
Course Plan |
Week 1 : Basic concepts of logic design, combinational logic circuits, Boolean formulas, two level logics, motivation for two level simplifications, multilevel logic, two level simplifications.
Week 2 : Multilevel logic simplifications, combinational logic technologies. Week 3 : Sequential logic elements, timing methodologies and registers. Week 4 : Basics of Finite state machine design and circuits. Week 5 : Efficient design of FSM and advanced topics Final exam: Saturday 8/4 3-6pm at WLH 2113 |
Grading |
20 % : Assignments 25 % : Midterm 1 (7/12/07) 25 % : Midterm 2 (7/26/07) 30 % : Final Exam |
Assignments |
Assignment #1 : Due 7/12/2007 Ch1 (1, 2) Ch2 (4, 17, 26) Ch3 (12-nand gates only, 18-abc) Ch4 (13-abc) Assignment #2 : due 7/26/2007 Ch6 (12, 13, 14, 15, 16) Ch7 (1, 20) Assignment #3 : due 8/4/2007 Ch8 (4, 6) |