CSE 273 Project Guidelines

Following is the schedule for the project proposals and reports. You are strongly encouraged to discuss your project throughout the quarter with the instructor and TA.

Initial project proposal

On or before Sunday, May 14, 11:59 PM, you must submit an initial project proposal in pdf format. Since you will have to use the CVPR formatting instructions eventually, you may want to start using it now. The initial proposal must be written in well-organized continuous English, as opposed to just an outline. The initial proposal must explain explicitly and clearly what you will do. In particular, the proposal must include:

Most of your proposal text should be reusable in your final report.

Revised project proposal

On or before Sunday, May 21, 11:59 PM, you must submit a revised project proposal in pdf format. Since you will have to use the CVPR formatting instructions eventually, you should start using it now. In the first phase of the project, some important tasks include:

These are tasks that can and should be performed mostly in parallel, not sequentially.

Draft project report

On or before Sunday, Jun 4, 11:59 PM, you must submit a complete, polished draft of your project report in pdf format. The report should resemble as closely as possible a good submission for a conference. You must follow the CVPR formatting instructions. You may find Charles Elkan's notes on machine learning projects and reports helpful.

Final project report

On or before Sunday, Jun 11, 11:59 PM, you must submit the final version of your project report in pdf format. You must follow the CVPR formatting instructions. Project reports will be evaluated using these grading criteria.

Last update: March 30, 2023. Content adapted from previous CSE courses by Serge Belongie and Charles Elkan.