CSE 132C – Database System Implementation
Lectures: MWF 4-4:50pm PT at WLH 2205
Instructor: Arun Kumar
Discussions: Fri 5-6pm PT (used only occasionally)
Teaching Assistant: Kyle Luoma
Email: kluoma@ucsd.edu [at] ucsd.edu
Office Hours: Wed 11am-12pm PT on Zoom only (link posted on Piazza)
Extra office hours: Apr 25 9am-2pm PT; May 22 10-11am PT; May 25 9am-1pm PT
Piazza: CSE 132C Spring 2023
Course Goals and Content
This is a hands-on systems-focused course on the implementation of a
database management system (DBMS), especially, a relational DBMS (RDBMS).
RDBMSs are the cornerstone of large-scale data management in numerous
application domains that define our modern world, including finance, insurance,
retail, logistics, telecommunications, healthcare, governance, and education.
Furthermore, concepts developed in the context of RDBMSs are
indispensable for the underpinnings of so-called "Big Data" and "NoSQL "
systems built for new applications such as Web search, e-commerce, and social
media analytics and those of emerging systems for scalable ML/AI and data science.
This course will cover key systems topics in implementing an RDBMS: data storage,
buffer management, indexing, sorting, relational operator implementations, a bit
of query optimization, and the implementation of so-called "Big Data" systems
such as MapReduce/Hadoop and Spark. Cutting-edge topics such as cloud-native
RDBMSs and ML for RDBMSs will also be covered.
A major component of this course is hands-on C++ programming to
implement two key components of an RDBMS, a buffer manager and a
B+ Tree index, on top of a basic RDBMS skeleton that will be provided.
Course Format and Instructions
2 Quizzes and 2 Exams:
This course has 2 progress quizzes, a midterm exam, and a cumulative final exam.
All of them will be held in person only on pre-announced dates.
The exams will have a mix of multiple choice questions (MCQ), quantitative, and essay
questions. Some questions may have partial credits. The quizzes will likely have only MCQ.
The guideline for time per question is a max of 1min per point. The points of each
question will be calibrated accordingly.
If you miss a quiz or an exam, you will get no credit for it unless you notify the instructor
in advance with a certifiable medical or emergency reason and receive a makeup exam slot.
Both the quizzes and exams are closed notes/books/electronics/Web. For all
of them, you should neither give nor receive help from anyone by any means.
Additional (optional): Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd edition), by Hector
Garcia-Molina, Jennifer Widom, and Jeffrey Ullman.
Quiz and Exam Dates
Project 1: 7%
Project 2: 20%
Quizzes: 10% (2 x 5%)
Midterm Exam: 15%
Cumulative Final Exam: 40%
Peer Instruction Activities: 5% (5 x 1%)
Peer Evaluation Activities: 3% (2 x 1.5%)
The grading scheme is a hybrid of absolute and relative grading.
The absolute cutoffs are based on your absolute total score.
The relative bins are based on your position in the total score distribution of the class.
The better grade among the two (absolute and relative) will likely be your final grade.
Grade | Absolute Cutoff (>=) | Relative Bin (Use strictest) |
| | |
A+ | 95 | Highest 5% |
A | 90 | Next 10% (5-15) |
A- | 85 | Next 15% (15-30) |
B+ | 80 | Next 15% (30-45) |
B | 75 | Next 15% (45-60) |
B- | 70 | Next 15% (60-75) |
C+ | 65 | Next 5% (75-80) |
C | 60 | Next 5% (80-85) |
C- | 55 | Next 5% (85-90) |
D | 50 | Next 5% (90-95) |
F | < 50 | Lowest 5%
Example: Suppose the total score is 82 and the percentile is 33. So, the relative grade is B-, while the absolute grade is B+. The final grade then is B+.
Non-Letter Grade Options: You have the option of taking this course for a non-letter grade.
The policy for P in a P/F option is a letter grade of C- or better;
for S in an S/U option is a letter grade of B- or better.
Classroom Rules
Please review UCSD's honor code and policies and procedures on academic integrity on this website.
If plagiarism is detected in your code, or if we detect collusion on the quizzes or exams,
or if any other form of academic integrity violation is identified, you will get zero for that
component of your score and get downgraded substantially. I will also notify the University
authorities for appropriate disciplinary action to be taken, up to and including expulsion from the University.