In this class, you will use careful mathematical modeling, problem solving, and clear and precise communication to explore key questions in Computer Science: How do we decide (and prove) what's true? How do we use mathematics to give multiple representations of data and computation?
Welcome to CSE20! If you ever wondered "What sort of mathematics do I need for computer science?", this course will provide some of the answers. In particular, you will have the opportunity to learn basic concepts about algorithms, computer arithmetic, number systems, logic, proofs, modular arithmetic, recursion and induction, among others. These are some of the essential ingredients in the toolkit of every computer scientist.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Announcements and Q&A are through Piazza (sign up link:
Our office hours and locations can be found in the calendar above.
For private questions to the instructors: Prof. Minnes' email is and Prof. Politz's email is .
The required textbook for this course is
This book is on reserve in the library and is also available in hardcopy at the UCSD Bookstore or many online retailers.
There are not many differences between the 7th edition and other recent editions, so you may be able to save some money by purchasing an older edition of the textbook. All posted reading assignments refer to the chapter and section numbers of the 7th edition. This guide lists the corresponding sections in the 5th and 6th editions.
Online Self Assessments and Extra Examples from the book are here.
An iClicker2 is also required, and is available for purchase at the bookstore. You will register your clicker for this class specifically, using this form: Register your iClicker here.
A useful but optional supplementary resource is